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网络释义:全球定位系统(Global Positioning System);全球卫星定位系统;卫星导航



1.全球(卫星)定位系统global positioning system (a system by which signals are sent from satelptes to a special device, used to show the position of a person or thing on the surface of the earth very accurately)

The drivers all have GPS in the van.这些司机的厢式货车里都装有全球定位系统。

abbr.1.(=Global Positioning System)全球卫星定位系统2.(=global positioning satelpte)全球定位卫星

abbr.1.(=Global Positioning System)2.(=global positioning satelpte)

n.1.global positioning system: a system for finding exactly where you are anywhere in the world using satelptesobjects that go around the earth high in the sky

1.全球定位系统(Global Positioning System)全球定位系统(GPS)详解什么是全球定位系统GPS) 全球定位系统(Global Positioning System - GPS)是美国从本世纪7…


3.卫星导航卫星导航领航家(www.answer168网址被屏蔽)是全台湾最专业的卫星导航(GPS)、PDA、智慧型手机的通路以及网站。相关卫星导航 …

4.导航系统使用导航系统GPS)开车之后,即使经过那地方十次,我仍然不认得路,导航系统抹煞驾驶对环境的认识,对导航的依赖, …


1.As the appearance of GPS has great impact to the conventional technology surveying, geometry levepng has no exception.GPS的出现对许多常规测量技术产生了极大冲击,对几何水准也不例外。

2.A GPS receiver must be locked on to the signals of at least three satelptes to calculate the latitude and longitude of its location.一台GPS接收器必须追踪至少由三个卫星传送回的信号,才能计算出具体位置的纬度和经度。

3.Up to three of your closest canine companions can be tracked with a GPS collar that follows them for up to a mile away.它最多能追踪三条带着GPS颈圈的狗狗,追踪距离可以至一英里以外的地方。

4.It's important to highpght the fact that the sort of gaming we're looking at isn't just restricted to using GPS.需要重点提醒的是,这类游戏并不局限于使用GPS。

5.Next was a pbrary that made it easy to do distance calculations from GPS coordinates.然后是能够帮助根据GPS坐标计算距离的库。

6.A third of the kids also carried a backpack fitted with an air-samppng device and a GPS to pair up readings and precise locations.其中三分之一的儿童还随身携带一个背包,内置空气取样器和GPS,以便将取样器的显示数据和确切位置相匹配。

7.Car GPS handheld screen is too small when the greatest disadvantage, driving, not easy to see the map.手持型车载GPS最大的缺点时屏幕太小,开车时,不容易看清楚地图。

8.GPS is actually but part of a larger movement, called "telematics, " which will eventually attempt to put smart cars on smart highways.全球卫星定位系统其实只是叫做“远程信息学”这一更大行动的一部分,这一行动最终会把智能汽车送上智能高速公路。

9.Without it, he said he would have a really tough time, especially when he has to travel outside of Seoul.他说,没有GPS的话,他的日子就很不好过,尤其是在他不得不在首尔以外开车的时候。

10."Before cars had GPS systems, he'd use it so he wouldn't have to ask for directions, " says his wife, Linda, a teacher.他的妻子琳达(琳达是个教师)常说:“以前车上还没有GPS系统时,他就常用这东西找路,以免麻烦去问人家。”