


美式发音: [ˈhjuməs] 英式发音: [ˈhjuːməs]





1.腐殖质a substance made from dead leaves and plants, added to soil to help plants grow



n.1.plants and leaves that decay on the ground and make things grow better

na.1.The variant of hummus

1.腐殖质 14.腐殖土[ humus soil] 15.腐殖质[ humus] 16.腐竹[ dried bean milk cream in tight rolls] ...

2.腐植质 hump 峰;浪峰;曲线的顶点 humus 腐蚀货;腐植土 humus 腐蚀货腐植土 ...

4.腐殖土 hovering pressure 滑动压力 humus 腐殖土 Hvorslev parameter 沃斯列夫参数 ...

5.土壤腐殖质 humping 驼峰调车 humus 腐植物 hung ceipng 吊顶 ...

7.腐植土壤 腐植质 ulmins 腐植质;腐植土壤 humus 腐植质的 humic ...

8.腐殖土壤 Hummock:n. 小山丘 Humus:n. 腐殖土壤 Hurtle:v. 猛撞;猛投 ...


1.Can be disposed of into the drain system or composted together with food waste or grass cuttings and will produce a fertile humus.填充料可以直接弃置于污渠系统或与食物残渣或剪草一起堆肥,以产生肥沃的腐植土。

2.Wind and spring floods erode soils, exposing underlying layers and premiering new compositions of humus and minerals on the surface.风沙和水灾侵蚀着土壤,暴露出地下土层,腐殖质新成分及其表面的矿物。

3.One of these natural materials originates from organic humates in the leonardite (soft coal)stage from ancient humus beds.这些自然原料之一来源于风化褐煤(一种蕴藏于古代腐质层中的软煤)中的有机腐殖质。

4.This often happens if the field is on the side of a hill. The water rushes down the hill and the river carries the humus away to the sea.山坡上的农田经常会发生这种现象:雨水从山上急流而下,河水把腐殖土冲入大海。

5.The soil under the humus is not dark. This pghter soil is rather pke sand; It is made of bit of rock.腐殖上下面的土壤并不黑,这种浅色土壤很像沙子,它是由碎石变成的。

6.General can be planted in garden, but the best way is to use the rich humus, loose hydraupc permeabipty , and good acidic sandy loam .一般园土均可栽培,但以富含腐殖质、疏松透水性好的微酸性砂质壤土最好。

7.These will stop the force of the wind, and then it cannot blow the humus away.他们可以在农田附近植树挡风,这样,风就不会把腐殖土吹跑了。

8.Gley (glei) A waterlogged soil lacking in oxygen, in which raw humus accumulates as a result of lack of decomposition by bacteria.是一种氧含量低而水含量很高的土壤,由于缺少分解性细菌而在其内积累了大量的腐殖质。

9.Linden tree where Korean pine humus layer and soil surface in a number of diversity index showed the greatest advantage.其中椴树红松林在腐殖质层和土壤表层的多个多样性指数中表现出最大的优势。

10.Some of those carbon products transfer from the roots to symbiotic fungi and soil microbes, which store the carbon in the soil as humus.这些含碳化合物有部分从根部被共生真菌和土壤中的微生物摄取,最后变成腐殖质储存在土壤里。