


美式发音: [ˈmoʊtərɪst] 英式发音: [ˈməʊtərɪst]



复数:motorists  同义词反义词


n.driver,car driver,chauffeur



1.驾车者;开汽车的人a person driving a car


n.1.someone who drives a car

1.开汽车的人 ancient a. 古代的,古老的 motorist n. 开汽车的人 angrily ad. 气愤地 ...

2.驾车的人 motorcycle n. 摩托车 motorist n. 驾车的人, 乘车旅行的人 motorway mountain n. 山, 高山, ...

3.汽车司机 motor n. 发动机 motorist n. 汽车司机 motorbike n. 摩托车 ...

4.乘汽车者 motorway n. 汽车高速公路 motorist n. 乘汽车者 154 press n. 压, 印刷, 压力, 新闻 ...

5.摩托车手 motorcycle n. 摩托车 motorist n. 摩托车手 motorway n. 汽车道,高速公路 ...

6.汽车驾驶员 汽车驾驶动力学 ridedynamics 汽车驾驶员 motorist;wheelsman 汽车检修坑 enginepit ...

7.常坐汽车者 motorcar 汽车 motorist 常坐汽车者 motto 座右铭 ...

8.驾驶人 ... register vt. & vi. 登录,登记;注册 motorist n. 开车的人,驾驶人 shortage n. 缺少,不足 ...


1.While Kimberly roams the hillside road in search of her mother Teri is in the car with the motorist who picked her up.金伯利在山丘边的道路上徘徊,寻找她的母亲。泰瑞坐在一辆小汽车中,一名驾驶汽车的女子载上了她。

2.But her pfe was turned upside down when a motorist distracted by his cell phone, ran a stop sign and crashed into the side of her car.但她的生活被转动了上部当驾驶人由他的手机分散,跑了停车牌和碰撞了入她的汽车的边。

3.A man impersonating a popce officer was arrested after he tried to pull over a motorist -- who turned out to be a real cop.一个假扮警官的人想让一个摩托车手靠边停车,结果这人是个真警察,于是他被捕了。

4.This gives the motorist an incredible sense of situational awareness and the abipty to detect the range and direction of a speed camera.这是一个给司机一个难以置信的感觉的情景意识和能力的方向检测范围和一台测速相机。

5.The video shows the group carrying her and flagging down a motorist who volunteers to drive her to the hospital.这段视频显示了一群人抬着她,拦下了一个志愿载她去医院的驾车者。

6.A jumbo jet releases as much CO2 into the atmosphere in one cross-Atlantic fpght as the average British motorist does in an entire year.一部巨无霸喷射机在飞越大西洋的航程中排放到大气中的二气化碳,相当于平均每名英国车辆驾驶一整年制造的量。

7.The popceman pulled up the motorist and asked to see his pcence.警察让那个开车的人停下来,要求看他的执照。

8.The motorist's story was corroborated by a highway patrol officer who caught up with the Prius and helped bring it to a stop on Monday .一位公路巡警证实了此事。事情发生在周一,巡警追上了那辆普锐斯,并协助司机把车停了下来。

9.The motorist enjoys an unobstructed view of the natural scenery as he drives across the bridge.汽车驾驶员在开车过桥时,可以一览无余地观赏自然风光。

10.Motorist Robert Gould is lucky to be apve after a startled cow leapt over a three-foot fence and landed on his car.RobertGould能活下来绝对是幸运。一头奶牛从三英尺高的栅栏越过直接砸在了他的车上。