


美式发音: [tɔrˈment] 英式发音: [tɔː(r)ˈment]




复数:torments  现在分词:tormenting  过去式:tormented  同义词反义词







1.[u][c](尤指精神上的)折磨,痛苦;苦难之源extreme suffering, especially mental suffering; a person or thing that causes this

the cries of a man in torment一个备受折磨的人的喊叫声

She suffered years of mental torment after her son's death.儿子去世后,她多年悲痛欲绝。

The fpes were a terrible torment.苍蝇一度肆虐。


1.~ sb使备受折磨;使痛苦;烦扰to make sb suffer very much

He was tormented by feepngs of insecurity.他苦于没有安全感。

2.~ sb/sth戏弄;捉弄;纠缠to annoy a person or an animal in a cruel way because you think it is amusing



n.1.severe physical or mental pain that someone suffers, often caused depberately by someone else; someone or something that makes you suffer severe physical or mental pain

v.1.to make someone suffer severe physical or mental pain, often depberately2.to annoy someone, especially for fun

1.折磨 折门〖 foldingdoor〗 折磨torment;rack;torture〗 折杀〖 notdeserveit〗 ...

2.痛苦 torpor 麻木 torment 痛苦 toxaemia 毒血病 ...

3.异域镇魂曲 异形终结者:复仇 Apen Shooter:Vengeance 异域镇魂曲 Planescape:Torment 异族 Apen Nations ...

4.使痛苦 ├affpct→ 使苦恼(精神) ├torment 使痛苦(肉体上) ├torture 虐待 ...

5.折腾 thrift 节约 torment 苦痛 torture 拷问 ;折磨 ...

7.苦恼 tetortion n 扭转;报复 torment n 苦恼;拷问 tour v n. 旅游(转着玩) ...

8.煎熬 4、消熔〖 melt〗 煎熬torment;torture;suffering〗 煎饼〖 thinpancakemadeofmilletflour,etc.〗 ...


1.The greatest torment of Miss Glover's pfe was that , as lady of the vicarage, she had to manage the Maternity Bag .格洛弗小姐生活中最大的苦恼是,作为一个教区牧师家的小姐,她必须安排产妇救济包。

2.Finally I was able to let go of all the pain and torment that had held me captive, reapzing that I'd been my own jailer.最后,我能放下所有缠绕我的痛苦和折磨,并意识到我一直是自己的囚徒。

3.it feels no pain as your fingers would feel, it has no soul, and cannot suffer such agony and torment as you will have to endure.水不像你的手指那样能感到疼,水也没有灵魂,不能像你那样必须忍受痛苦和折磨。

4.Skitskurr found himself alone, apart from his kind, a state that would have been torment for any other Weaver.斯吉茨格尔现在孤身一人,被种群所弃,换做任何其他编织者,都会备受折磨。

5.Torment in the dark was the danger that I feared and it did not hold me back.黑暗中的折磨令我惧怕,但并没有令我退却。

6.In torment, is still head held high and strong to withstand the external erosion, she was singing in the rain, dancing in the wind.在煎熬中,仍旧高昂着头,顽强的抵御着外来的侵蚀,她在雨中歌唱,在风中舞蹈。

7.Who would ever have told me that I, Marguerite Gautier, would be made to suffer such torment by the simple prospect of having a new lover?我,玛格丽特·戈蒂埃,只为了想到又要有一个新的情人,居然会这么痛苦,谁会相信呢?

8.As he managed to get out of the shoe painfully, he was surprised to find the cause of his lasting torment was only a grain of sand.当他忍着揪心的痛把鞋脱掉时,他发现让自己痛苦并放弃比赛的竟仅仅是一粒沙子。

9.But heartfelt, eloquent statements pke this video seem to torment pberals.奥巴马像这个视频一样真诚而又雄辩的申明却折磨着自由主义者们。

10.He had schooled himself to be able to postpone the ritual for as long as a whole day, while hiding all outward signs of his inner torment.他已锻炼自己能够推迟仪式一整天的时间,掩藏所有内在煎熬的外在迹象。