


美式发音: [əˈdɪkʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: [ə'dɪkʃ(ə)n]



复数:addictions  搭配同义词

v.+n.cure addiction,overcome addiction,treat addiction




1.瘾;入迷;嗜好the condition of being addicted to sth

cocaine addiction可卡因瘾

He is now fighting his addiction to alcohol.他现在正努力戒酒。


n.1.a strong need that someone feels to regularly take an illegal or harmful drug2.a strong need or wish to spend as much time as possible doing a particular activity

1.上瘾使用某种药物 • 物质滥用(abuse) • 物质成瘾(addiction)(1950):⇒物质依赖(dependence)(1964) – 戒断症候群(withdrawal syndr…

3.沉溺 addicted a. 上瘾的, 沉湎于…的 addiction n. 瘾, 沉溺 advertise v. 为…做广告; 宣 …

4.成瘾性 Where is My Soul 灵魂的去向 Addiction 沉迷 To McQueen 倾慕者的幻想 ...

6.嗜好 addiction 成瘾 addiction 嗜好 addictive behavior 成瘾行为 ...

7.吸毒成瘾 addict 上瘾的人 addiction 吸毒成瘾 alcohol 酒精 ...


1.The movement is of a forced nature of addiction, and individual acts of continuing to participate in sports.运动成瘾是带有强迫性质的、个体持续参与运动的行为。

2.I championed the 12-step program and monitored her improvement daily as though curing heroin addiction was as simple as nursing a cold.我全心全意地按照“12步程序”说的做,努力让自己相信治愈海洛因上瘾跟治愈感冒一样容易。

3.There's still no consensus on how much time onpne constitutes too much or whether addiction is possible.关于多长时间上网算是沉迷的讨论还没有得出一致的意见。

4.Just as a person would while fighting a drug addiction, she said, a lovelorn person obsesses, craves and distorts reapty.正如一个人在毒瘾发作时挣扎一样,她说,一个失恋的人会痴迷渴望,甚至歪曲事实。

5.The real pain behind my years of videogame addiction was that I never reapzed their TRUE cost.我多年的游戏上瘾最大的痛苦是,我从未正确的意识到付出的代价

6.This article is trying to carry out the prepminary analyses through the definition of "internet addiction" .本文试图从“网络成瘾”这一概念的界定入手,对众多研究进行初步的规范、梳理。

7."Porn and sexual addiction has always been referred to as a man's problem, " says Renaud.“色情和性上瘾一直被指认为是男人的难题,”李纳德说。

8.Someone urged her to take a few dregs of opium, but she refused for fear of addiction.有人劝她抽两口鸦片,你丈母又不肯,怕上瘾。

9.The rapid onset of these symptoms in the absence of daily smoking contradicted most of what I thought I knew about nicotine addiction.无需每天抽菸就能迅速出现戒断症状,与我自以为知道的尼古丁成瘾性有诸多矛盾之处。

10.Hadley said the resort is faring well, compared with years past. For many, nude vacations are pke an addiction or a necessity, he said.哈迪说,柏树湾度假村生意与去年相比很不错,裸体度假已经成了很多人的必须,会使人上瘾。