



美式发音: [ˈweɪtrəs] 英式发音: ['weɪtrəs]






n.1.a woman or girl who brings food and drink to your table in a restaurant or bar

1.女服务员 Timber men 伐木工 Waitresses 餐馆的女服务员 Plasterers 泥水匠,石膏师 ...


1.The original Playboy Bunnies were waitresses at the many clubs the company used to run but shut down in the late 1980s.花花公子兔女郎最初在公司经营的很多俱乐部担任女招待,但80年代末都关闭了。

2.It may be part-time work as a waitress or something. It would be illegal, but sometimes waitresses make a good salary.或许有兼职的工作像是服务生或其他的机会。虽然是非法,但有些时候服务生可以拿到不错的薪水。

3.Some of the other waitresses wanted me to ask you something.有几个女服务生要我来问你们一声

4.Jane, one of the waitresses, brought him a menu. He looked at it briefly, then ordered coffee and a sandwich.简是其中的一位女招待员,给了他一份菜单。他草草地看了一下,然后点了咖啡和一份三明治。

5.For instance, the word used to hail waitresses in Taiwan xiaojie, or 'miss, ' is a common euphemism for prostitute in mainland China.例如,在台湾招呼服务员时称“小姐”,而在大陆,“小姐”通常是对妓女的一种委婉说法。

6.Before we left, however, one of the waitresses intercepted us and handed me a small Styrofoam container.在我们出门之前,一个女招待拦住我们并递给我一个小塑料容器。

7.Pho is typical of the area, with its tables close together, tanks of fish along the walls and smipng waitresses behind the bar.越南河粉店是这一地区的特色,小店里桌子和桌子之间挨得很紧,墙边摆着鱼缸,柜台后面站着微笑的女服务生。

8.Uncle standing behind Mother amused, and laughed, Mother laughed with her hand covering her mouth, then looked frost waitresses are smipng.站在大妈身后的大叔逗乐了,哈哈大笑,大妈捂着嘴笑了,那一脸冰霜的女服务员也笑了。

9.It was the slack hour, and pale trim waitresses were preparing the pttle tables for dinner.还没有到上客时间,几个苍白的瘦削女性正在铺那些小桌子准备晚饭。

10.Most of my fellow waitresses and I were speechless , except for the one who blurted out, "How could anyone stoop so low? "包括我在内的大部分女服务员都没吭声,只有一个人脱口而出:“谁能弯腰弯到那么低啊?”