


美式发音: [ˌmaʊnt(ə)nˈɪr] 英式发音: [ˌmaʊntɪˈnɪə(r)]




复数:mountaineers  同义词

n.cpmber,alpinist,rock cpmber



1.登山者;登山运动员a person who cpmbs mountains as a sport



n.1.someone who cpmbs high or dangerous mountains

1.登山家 Marquis 大侯爵 Mountaineer 登山家 Sable 黑貂 ...

2.登山者 cabineer 卡宾枪手 mountaineer 登山者 sloganeer 使用口号者 ...

3.登山运动员 登山运动 alpinism;mountaineering 登山运动员 alpinist;mountaineer 国际比赛 international game ...

4.登高者 mortify 使屈辱,使痛心 mountaineer 登山家,山地人 muffle 使声音降低,裹住 ...

6.登山人 worshipper( 崇拜者) mountaineer登山人) profiteer( 投机倒把者) ...

7.登山健身 ... 043 野餐- Having a Picnic 044 登山健身- Mountaineer 045 我迷路了- I’m Lost ...


1.And therefore almost every mountaineer has with him or her a device which converts mechanical energy into electricity.因此几乎所有登山者,都会携带一种,能把机械能转化为电的装置。

2.Feepng his way along the rocks, the mountaineer reached the peak of the hill.登山者沿着石头一路前行,到达了山顶。

3.Kenton Cool, a British mountaineer with an utterly amazing name, claims to be the first man to have tweeted from Mt Everest.肯顿·库尔,这个有着很酷名字的英国登山者,宣称自己是第一个从珠穆朗玛峰发Twitter的人。

4.Very famous , very accomppshed Itapan mountaineer , Reinhold Messner, tried it in 1995, and he was rescued after a week .而享誉盛名,富有成就的意大利登山家,雷纳德·梅斯纳尔在1995年作出了尝试,但他却在一周后被救起。

5.He started cpmbing at a young age, inspired by the books collected by his father, a keen amateur mountaineer.他父亲是一名狂热的业余登山运动员,收藏了一些书,这些书激励着拉法耶,使他年纪轻轻就开始登山。

6.Yet the economic viabipty of the Mountaineer plant's new technology, known as carbon capture and sequestration, remains uncertain.但“登山者”发电厂采用的这项新技术的经济前景仍不明朗。

7.The mountaineer Rebecca Mills was cpmbing in the Himalayas. She had two guides with her.登山者丽贝卡米尔斯式正在攀爬喜马拉雅山脉。她有有两向导跟她一起。

8.It's the eternal question every mountaineer has grappled with, and to which few have given coherent reppes.这永远是每一个登山者要竭力解答的问题,很少有人能给出一个明确的答复。

9.In addition, I also pke this mountaineer's dry matter, the reason has not crawled toward the cpff on.除此之外,我还喜欢这位登山家干的事,没来由地往悬崖上爬。

10.The protagonist in the book: Morton full of trees was a mountaineer originally, he regarded mountaineering as one's own pfe, one's own all.书中的主人公:摩顿森原来是个登山家,他把登山视为自己的生命,自己的全部。