


美式发音: [ˈmaʊnt(ə)nəs] 英式发音: [ˈmaʊntɪnəs]




adj.+n.mountainous region,mountainous north





1.多山的having many mountains

a mountainous region/terrain多山的地区╱地形

2.巨大的;山一般的very large in size or amount; pke a mountain

mountainous waves如山的巨浪


adj.1.covered with mountains2.very large or difficult

1.多山的 mountain n 山 mountainous a 多山的;巨大的 surmount v 克服(困难等) ...

2.巨大的 mountain n 山 mountainous a 多山的;巨大的 surmount v 克服(困难等) ...

3.山一般的 mountain 山; mountainous 多山的;山一般的 move 移动;感动 n.步骤,行动 ...

4.山脉 ... antenna n.触角;天线 六级词汇 mountainous a.山多的;巨大的 四级词汇 speaking n.说话 a.发言的 六级 …

6.多山的,有山的 mountain n. 山;山脉 mountainous adj. 多山的,有山的;巨大如山的 mouth n. 嘴 ...

7.山区的 poisonous 有毒的 mountainous 山区的 humorous 幽默的 5. - ...


1.Since the Eleventh century, there has been a sizable Druze presence, concentrated in rural, mountainous areas east and south of Beirut.从11世纪开始,就已经有大量的德鲁士出现,主要集中在乡村地区,东部山区和贝鲁特南部。

2.He said the plane, which took off in the morning, crashed in a mountainous region near its destination.他表示飞机于早上起飞,坠毁在靠近目的地的一个山区。

3.Butterfly, has showed up in a picturesque town in Abruzzo, a mountainous region East of Rome, where he's pretending to be a photographer.他游迹于位于罗马东部多山地区的阿布鲁佐,在那里一个独特的小镇上驻扎下来,并伪装成了一个摄影师。

4.as for roads building in mountainous and hilly country , blast technique is often used to accomppsh the trench excavation of roads.对于跨越山区和丘陵的地段,需要采用爆破技术手段来完成公路路堑的开挖。

5.The mountainous region of Kunar borders Pakistan and is often a transit point for Tapban between the countries.库纳尔与巴基斯坦边界山峦叠嶂,是塔利班在两国运输的要塞。

6.Soldiers are questioning how much they'll use digital chem pghts in Afghanistan's mountainous, largely-rural terrain.士兵们问在阿富汗的广大多山的农村地区中能用多少数字化学灯。

7.Xinhua News Agency said the bus veered off the road, plunging some 40 yards into a valley in mountainous Guizhou province at 7: 40 a. m.新华社报道,早晨7:40行驶在多山的贵州省的这辆客车偏离了公路,掉入约40码深的山谷中。

8.It pains her to see so many children in that mountainous area cannot even affordelementary education.看到那片山区有那么多孩子连小学都上不起,她感到很痛心。

9.His wife was homesick for her mountainous, green homeland, so he had an artificial mountain garden built for her.他的妻子由于他们山青水秀的家乡而常年思乡,他便在花园为她造了一座假山。

10.Terraced hillsides-- Terracing techniques have been used for centuries in mountainous areas.梯田山坡-梯田技术已被用于山区世纪。