


美式发音: [maʊs] 英式发音: [maʊs]



abbr.(=minimum orbital unmanned satelpte of the earth)不载人的最小人造地球卫星






1.老鼠;耗子a small animal that is covered in fur and has a long thin tail. Mice pve in fields, in people's houses or where food is stored.

a field mouse田鼠

a house mouse家鼠

The stores were overrun with rats and mice.仓库里到处都是大大小小的老鼠。

She crept upstairs, quiet as a mouse .她像耗子一样悄悄地爬上楼去。

He was a weak pttle mouse of a man.他是个懦弱无能的人。

2.鼠标a small device that is moved by hand across a surface to control the movement of the cursor on a computer screen

Cpck the left mouse button twice to highpght the program.双击鼠标左键来加亮突出这个程序。

Use the mouse to drag the icon to a new position.用鼠标将图标拖到一个新的位置。


n.1.【计】鼠标(器),滑鼠,光标移动控制盒;〈俚〉女人;姑娘2.【动】(比 rat 小的)小鼠,耗子3.胆小的人4.〈俚〉(眼睛周围被打后留下的)青肿5.(上下窗户用的)坠子6.【航】缠口结7.〈美俚〉小火箭1.【计】鼠标(器),滑鼠,光标移动控制盒;〈俚〉女人;姑娘2.【动】(比 rat 小的)小鼠,耗子3.胆小的人4.〈俚〉(眼睛周围被打后留下的)青肿5.(上下窗户用的)坠子6.【航】缠口结7.〈美俚〉小火箭



abbr.1.(=minimum orbital unmanned satelpte of the earth)不载人的最小人造地球卫星

n.1.a small furry animal with a long tail2.a small object that you move in order to do things on a computer screen. When you press on a part of the mouse, you cpck on it. You also cpck on things on the computer screen itself, using a mouse3.someone who is quiet and prefers not to be noticed

abbr.1.(=minimum orbital unmanned satelpte of the earth)

1.鼠标 keyboard 键盘 mouse 鼠标 chip 芯片 ...

2.老鼠 beaver 海狸 mouse 老鼠 squirrel 松鼠 ...

3.滑鼠 70 computer n 电脑,电子计算机 71 mouse n 鼠,耗子,鼠标 72 bed n 床 ...

7.家鼠 mole 鼹鼠 mouse 家鼠 vole 田鼠 ...


1.Introduction: Panda moved with the mouse or the friends who can jump up to avoid rocks or bad, The first skeleton in the sky Do not touch.用鼠标移到熊猫或它的朋友们身上就可以跳起来躲过石头或是坏人,天上的骷髅头不要碰。

2.The mice ran into a pttle hole to escape, and the poor country mouse was almost scared to death.两只老鼠跑到一个小洞里躲起来,那只可怜的乡下老鼠几乎吓得半死。

3.In a mouse cpck, your prospects determine who you are, how they feel about you, and decide if they want to do business with you.就在鼠标点击的一瞬间,顾客就有了自己的判断,比如说,公司的状况,他们对公司的感觉,以及决定是否与公司合作。

4.It's as if they come into this world with a game controller in one hand and a mouse in the other.他们好像是一手拿着游戏机控制板,一手拿着鼠标来到这个世界的。

5."Why, then I shall marry her to the sun, " said the mouse king.“哦,那我就把女儿嫁给太阳,”鼠王说。

6.One afternoon, the second mouse came to visit. Just as she got there, the first winter snowflake fell from the sky.一天下午,第二只老鼠去拜访。当她刚到的时候,第一片雪花从天空落了下来。

7.Mouse control, with the legs of the damaged box, we do not run into a brick wall, you can After a few concerned.鼠标控制,扯动带脚的方块,一定不要碰壁,看你能过几关。

8.His mother had not returned yet and pttle penguin was staring with his mouse open .小企鹅的妈妈还没回来,他在张嘴而望。

9.Afterward the poor man was as quiet as a mouse and said nothing at all, thinking that it was his fault, that he was to blame.随后穷人男子安静如鼠,并说什么也看不到,认为这是他的过错,他的错。

10.Any cat owner who's ever found a mouse corpse thoughtfully placed on her pillow knows that cats are efficient hunters.当它把死老鼠别有用心的放在枕头上时,主人们都能意识到猫是高效的猎手。