




1.更加聪明 更加便宜 much cheaper 更加聪明 much cleverer 最忙的老师 the busiest teacher ...


1.She'd always tried to get in with girls pke Kath, who were so much cleverer with the boys and gave an impression of knowing what was what.她一向想跟凯丝那样的女孩子混在一起,她们比她懂得怎么对付男人,并且显得明白人情世故。

2.I tried to keep my end up in the discussion but everyone else seemed much cleverer that I was.在讨论中我尽力坚持我的观点,但所有其他人都显得比我聪明得多。

3.Luckily, I no longer need to explain myself because other, much cleverer, people have done it for me.幸运的是,我不用再亲自解释了,已经有比我聪明得多的人替我解释了。

4.Mankind is much cleverer than it was one thousand years ago.人类比一千年前是聪明多了。

5.Li Ming is much cleverer than any other student in their class.李明是他们班中最聪明的学生。

6.He is much cleverer than I expected.他比我原来预料的要聪明得多。

7.He thought it very well done of Mr. Knightley to invite them - very kind and sensible - much cleverer than dining out.我觉得奈特利先生请我们去是理所当然的——非常友好,非常明智——比在外面吃饭明智多了。

8.The child is much cleverer than his peers.这孩子比他同龄人聪明得多。

9.The way scientists use evidence to learn about the world is much cleverer and more comppcated than I can say in a short letter.科学家使用证据学习这个世界的方法,比我在这封短信中说的更机敏也更复杂。

10.If you bought the wrong thing, you'll be much cleverer next time.如果你买了你不想要的东西,下次买之前就要考虑得更清楚。