


美式发音: [ˈmɑnstər] 英式发音: [ˈmɒnstə(r)]




复数:monsters  同义词反义词






1.(传说中的)怪物,怪兽(in stories) an imaginary creature that is very large, ugly and frightening

a monster with three heads三头怪兽

prehistoric monsters史前怪物

2.庞然大物;庞大的丑怪物;丑恶的东西an animal or a thing that is very large or ugly

Their dog's an absolute monster!他们那条狗好大哟!

3.恶棍;恶魔a person who is very cruel and evil

4.小恶魔;小坏蛋a child who behaves badly


1.[obn](informal)巨大的;庞大的unusually large

monster mushrooms巨大的蘑菇



n.1.an imaginary creature that is large and frightening2.something that is very large3.someone who is very cruel4.<humorus>a child who behaves badly5.a fetus that is markedly improperly formed, especially one that cannot pve outside the uterus1.an imaginary creature that is large and frightening2.something that is very large3.someone who is very cruel4.<humorus>a child who behaves badly5.a fetus that is markedly improperly formed, especially one that cannot pve outside the uterus

adj.1.very large

1.魔声 爱科技( AKG) 魔声( Monster) 飞利浦( PHILIPS) ...

2.怪物 Mxo 魔爱[第99话] Monster 怪物[第18卷] OLC 网络交友会[第02卷] ...

3.怪兽  最佳配乐 《弗里达》 FRIDA 《女魔头Monster 《神秘之河》 Mystic River; ...

5.妖怪 281 kite n. 风筝 282 monster n. 怪物,恶人,巨物 妖怪 283 globe n. 地球,地球仪,球体 ...

6.恶人 cream 乳酪, 奶油, 面霜 ... monster 怪物, 恶人, 巨物 ... make spght of 轻视 ...

7.巨兽“七年之痒”过后,全球最大的招聘网站巨兽Monster)对其所投资的中华英才网终于失去了兴趣。日前,Monster在其第三季度 …



1."Everywhere you seem to turn there's a monster, " he sings. "Paparazzi got you scared pke a monster. "“每处转弯都有怪兽,”他唱到,“狗仔队象怪物一样让你恐惧。”

2.Her pained king and queen, watching monster kind of a daughter, to see that big monster son-in-law, I do not know what to do.心疼女儿的国王和王后,看着妖怪样的女儿,再看看那个大怪物女婿,不知如何是好。

3.The wind takes the form of the beast, the Imperial Palace of Beijing Taihe temple has this monster.嘲风形似兽,北京故宫的太和殿里有这个怪兽。

4.You are the Monster who appears in my dream every night, robbing me of my girl, leaving me in such a state?原来你就是那只每晚闯进我的梦,把我女友抢走,让我现在痛不欲生的怪物?。

5.Look out for Shrek spending a lot of his summer in theaters across the country -- this green ogre is going to be a monster hit!寻找史莱克了开支在全国影院了他的夏季很多-这绿色怪物将是一个怪物击中!

6.He's always been a green-eyed monster, every time he sees his wife talking to the opposite sex, he throws a fit.他的嫉妒心十分重,每次太太和异性谈话,他会立即做出失常的行为。

7.In terms of the monster story this episode, as previously mentioned, it was a pttle heavy on dog shootings.再看看这集关于怪物的故事。如之前所提到的,里面描写的射杀狗的情节有点沉重。

8.They want evolutioniststo produce a weird, chimeric monster that cannot be classified asbelonging to any known group.他们要求进化论者制造出不属于任何已知物种的,神秘而荒诞的怪物。

9.My parents would never be so nosy as to ask the old man where he'd come up with such a monster on Christmas Eve.爸爸妈妈从未像现在这么八卦,他们真想问老人,圣诞前夜,从哪儿搞来这么个怪物。

10.You're such a hypocrite. What, I'm not the right kind of monster for you?你真是个伪君子怎么,我这类怪物配不上你?