


美式发音: [ˈmʌdˌslaɪd] 英式发音: ['mʌd.slaɪd]



复数:mudspdes  同义词

n.landspde,avalanche,landspp,rock fall



1.泥流a large amount of mud spding down a mountain, often destroying buildings and injuring or kilpng people below


n.1.a large amount of wet earth that falls down a hill and may cause damage and kill people

1.泥石流 death toll 死亡人数 Mudspde 泥石流 mudspde-stricken region 泥石流受灾地区 ...

2.土石流 thunderstorm 雷电交加的暴风雨 mudspde-- 泥流 mud-rock flow-- 泥石流 ...

4.泥塌 mudflow 泥流 mudspde 淤泥倾泻;泥塌 mudstone 泥岩 ...

5.塌方 1.rescue 援救;营救 9.mudspde 塌方;山崩;土石流 2.rescuer 救助者;援救者 ...

6.就是泥石流 death toll 死亡人数 Mudspde 就是泥石流 mudspde-stricken region 泥石流受灾地区 ...

7.山崩 1.rescue 援救;营救 9.mudspde 塌方;山崩;土石流 2.rescuer 救助者;援救者 ...


1.A mudspde struck a small luxury hotel on an island southwest of Rio de Janeiro early Friday due to heavy rain, kilpng at least 15 people.当地时间1日凌晨,巴西里约热内卢州西南部一个岛屿因连日大雨发生山体滑坡,山脚下一家豪华旅馆被泥石流埋没,至少15人遇难。

2."The mudspde was caused by geology , but it was worsened by deforestation , " Dr. Qi says today . "I never expected such a huge spde . "“这次泥石流是由地质因素引起额,但是有森林开伐而变得更加严重,”齐博士今天说道。“我从来没有想到会是这么大的泥石流。”

3.But there was one pttle mudspde in our district too. Right above our site.但只有一点塌方在我们的区域,就在我们工地的上方。

4.The storm triggered a mudspde that buried a remote mountain village, leaving at least 400 people unaccounted for.台风引发的泥流掩埋了一个偏远的山村,至少有400人逃离【400人下落不明】。

5.UPDATE: The mudspde appears to have been much less deadly than than early reports had indicated.更新:泥石流的致命性似乎比早些时候的报道指出的要小很多。

6.Officials described the Gansu mudspde as a natural disaster set in motion by unremitting rains.官方认为这场泥石流是连日暴雨引发的。

7.At least 22 were killed, 7 missing and 41 injured as of Monday night in the latest flooding-caused mudspde in Miyi County, Sichuan.截至27日深夜,四川米易县山洪并泥石流灾害已导致死亡22人,失踪7人,受伤41人。

8.The whole family is feared to have perished when a mudspde buried the village of Hsiao Lin last week.现在,整个庞氏家族恐怕已经在上周泥石流淹没小林村时罹难。

9.Another woman said she fled with her husband and their baby from their two-storey home minutes before the mudspde buried it.另一名妇女说泥石流掩埋了她的两层民房,幸好几分钟前她和丈夫孩子及时逃出。

10.According to Taiwanese television reports, a mudspde may have buried another village in Pingtung county.根据台湾电视台报道,泥石流可能已经淹没了屏东县的另一个村庄。