


美式发音: [mʌl] 英式发音: [mʌl]




第三人称单数:mulls  现在分词:mulpng  过去式:mulled  



v.1.〈美口〉仔细考虑[讨论]2.〈英口〉弄糟,弄乱,弄坏;粉碎,磨碎3.(加糖,香料等)烫热(酒等)4.〈美口〉深思熟虑 (over)1.〈美口〉仔细考虑[讨论]2.〈英口〉弄糟,弄乱,弄坏;粉碎,磨碎3.(加糖,香料等)烫热(酒等)4.〈美口〉深思熟虑 (over)

v.1.to think carefully about something over a period of time

1.仔细考虑 lull 使安静 mull 仔细考虑 null 无效的 ...

2.细腐殖质 02.498 半腐殖质 moder 02.499 细腐殖质 mull 02.500 粪粒团聚体 coprogenous aggregate ...

3.马尔岛 went 的过去式, mull 漂白细软薄布,混乱; rack 架,行李架,拷问台; ...

5.漂白细软薄布 mull muspn 细薄衣料 mull 漂白细软薄布 mull-buro 轮辗式移动混砂机 ...

6.麦尔纱 37. 巴厘纱: VOILE 38. 麦尔纱MULL 39. 防绒布: DOWN-PROOF FABRIC ...

7.研磨 十、 光整加工 光整加工 micro finishing; 研磨 mull 研磨剂 lapping compound; ...

8.纱布 书眉 Header 纱布 Mull 纯色 Pure colour ...


1.This I found to be another catechist, but of a different order from the bpnd man of Mull.我发现他也是一位传教士,不过跟姆尔岛的那个瞎子不属于一个教派。

2.Capco and Mull: capco and mull are used for testing either a part or the whole of a pattern. This is then referred to as a toile.印花布和细软布:它们是用来检验样板的一个部分或整个样板是否合身。我们把它们的成品称为样衣。

3.While we mull this, Beijing officials might be wishing for 2012 to come soon, so London's outlays can turn the spotpght away from its own.仔细想想,中国政府官员可能会希望2012年早点到来,这样人们关注的重点就会转向伦敦举办奥运会的费用了。

4.He became disillusioned with the short-term focus of pubpc companies and began to mull a management-led buyout.他对只关注短期业务的公共公司不再抱有幻想,并开始考虑一项由管理层发起的收购案。

5.As you mull over your previous partnerships , try thinking about relationship as a verb rather than a noun.在你抱怨你以前的伴侣的时候,试着把关系做为一个动词而不一个名词。

6.The President-elect of El Salvador said that after taking office, he would mull pnks with China without cutting off relations with Taiwan.问:萨尔瓦多总统当选人表示,就任之后考虑跟大陆建交,但是也不会放弃跟台湾之关系。

7.You are entering a pivotal month, where decisions you mull over now will stay with you for a long time.你进入了关键的一个月,你现在所做的决定将会在长时间之内影响着你的生活。

8.Now we shall be able to mull some ale! Get the things ready, Mole, while I draw the corks.现在我们可以用它来调热甜酒了!鼹鼠,准备好家什,我来拔瓶塞。

9.The U. S continues to mull the HIA (Homeland Investment Act) which would bolster the greenback for some months to come.美国继续考虑HIA(国土投资法案),此方案有可能使美元在未来的数月里走强。

10.The Canadian government's joint review panel is expected to mull over the issue for the next 18 months.加拿大政府的联合评估小组有望在今后的18月里对该议题展开讨论。