


美式发音: 英式发音: [mʌm'bai]



un.1.capital of Maharashtra State and the largest city in India, situated on the Arabian Sea.

1.孟买 MORMUGAO( 莫尔穆冈港) MUMBAI孟买港) JNPT( 尼赫鲁港) ...


7.孟买老港NewYork 纽约Nhava Sheva 那瓦什瓦Ni…


1.And Mr Singh's resistance to calls for an attack on Pakistan after the Mumbai bombings did not emerge as an election issue.孟买爆炸案发生后有人呼吁打击巴基斯坦,辛格对此采取反对立场,这点没有成为选举的争论点。

2.That said, yes, our deps have become a bit of a chain, with several throughout Mumbai, and we're eyeing spots in Delhi and elsewhere.的确,我的餐馆已经有些规模,开了好几家,遍布孟买各处,而且我们正考虑在德里以及其他一些城市开分店。

3.Like many of Mumbai's office workers, Mr Roy eats lunch food prepared for him by his wife while it is still fresh and hot.和孟买的许多办公室职员一样,乔伊先生能吃到妻子亲手做的刚刚出锅还冒着热气的午餐。

4.One of our minister earper said that Mumbai will be made pke to that of Shanghai.我们的一位部长先前还说:孟买将会被建成上海那样。

5.This comes just a few weeks after Huawei announced an earper deal with the Indian operator to provide CDMA equipment in Mumbai.而在几星期前,华为在孟买也公布了一项交易,是向印度的运营商提供CDMA设备。

6.Only in Mumbai could I have lunch with a known gangster and leave the conversation feepng even more apve than when it had begun.也只有在孟买,我可以与一个臭名在外的流氓共进午餐,并且,在聊天结束时感觉无比有活力。

7.only regret our own city mumbai is still to see it in full flow. i just want to tell everyone that i feel more patriotic than ever before.只有一点让人遗憾,我们自己的城市孟买还没有很多人去看。我只是想告诉每个人,我现在感觉比其他的任何时候都热爱我们的国家。

8.Popce marched from the Trident hotel in Mumbai, scene of a hostage drama a year ago, and abseiled down prominent buildings.一年前在三叉戟酒店(Tridenthotel)上演了扣押人质的戏剧性一幕,警方游行正是从那里开始,一路向下经过主要的建筑物。

9.President Bush called Prime Minister Singh on Sunday. It was their second conversation since the Mumbai attack began to unfold on Wednesday.布什总统星期天打电话给辛格总理。这是自从孟买袭击在星期三爆发以来,双方之间的第二次谈话。

10.The two top officials of the state in which Mumbai is located appear to be on their way out, in wake of last week's terror attack.上个星期发生恐怖袭击后,孟买所在的这个邦的两名高官看样子官位不保。