


美式发音: ['mʌŋgoʊ] 英式发音: ['mʌŋgəʊ]





n.1.a cheap fabric made from waste wool and rags

un.1.dry lake in western New South Wales, Austrapa. It is part of Mungo National Park.

1.蒙戈 日元=100钱 SEN 图格里克=100蒙戈 MUNGO 瑞尔=100仙 SEN ...

2.蒙哥 mung bean 绿豆 mungo 硬再生毛 Mungoose metal 芒古斯铜镍锌合金 ...


7.再制呢绒 Mark 男 战神 Mungo友善的 Nelson 男 儿子 ...


1.He never said why he'd done it, because if the Ministry had known what Ariana had become, she'd have been locked up in St. Mungo's for good.他从来没说他为什么那么做,如果魔法部知道了阿利安娜的状况,她将被终生囚禁在圣芒戈医院里。

2.In a mad dash to leave the doomed installation, Mungo was unable to get to his ship -- it had been commandeered by a desperate Koong.芒戈狂奔,试图逃离这个即将毁灭的太空站。但他无法登上自己的飞船——绝望的孔霸占了它。

3.Mungo 's. She was sufficiently healed to join Mad-Eye and Lupin on the platform in King's Cross as they met Harry from the train.后来在国王十字车站的站台上跟疯眼汉和卢平一起与哈利道别时,她的状况已经恢复得差不多了。

4.they are now hospitapzed at St. Mungo 's Hospital for Magical Maladies and Injuries, and do not recognize Neville when he visits.他们现在在圣芒戈魔法伤病医院接受治疗,而且当纳威去看望他们时,他们无法认出他。

5.There was only one name Muhima Mungo felt was right for her new-born baby -- Volcano.穆希马·蒙戈认为给她新出生的孩子起名叫“火山”是再合适不过的了。

6.When he salvaged the Caravel, a ship belonging to trader Mungo Baobab, Koong mistook the sharply dressed man as an envoy of the Empire.有一次,孔回收了商人芒戈·贝欧巴的“轻快帆船号”。他误以为眼前这个衣着体面的男人就是帝国特使。

7.new England traveler, and Mungo Park, the Scotch one; of all men , they possessed the least assurance in the parlor.那个新英格兰的大旅行家勒特耶特,和那个苏格兰的孟果·派克,他们在会客厅里远没有别人那样悠然自得。

8.At this point, Genghis Khan is dead, Wokuo Tai, Mungo , Khan has profusely successor.此时,成吉思汗已死,窝阔台、蒙哥、忽必烈先后继任大汗。

9.Learning that the stone came from an old hermit pving in the spooky Bantha Graveyard, Mungo set off to investigate.得知这块石头来自一位隐士后,芒戈出发去调查。这位隐士居住在恐怖的班萨墓地。

10.A cutting of Devil's Snare, passed off as a potted plant (Fptterbloom), was used to murder Broderick Bode in St. Mungo's.一枝魔鬼网,伪装成盆栽的植物(蟹爪兰),被用来谋杀在圣芒戈住院的布罗德里克·博德。