



美式发音: [ˈfʊtˌprɪnt] 英式发音: ['fʊt.prɪnt]



复数:footprints  同义词




n.1.a mark made by a human or animal foot, especially in a soft surface such as earth, snow, or sand; a dirty mark made by a foot or shoe on a floor2.the amount of space that something uses, for example the area of a desk that a computer fills3.the amount of land, energy, water etc. that a person or organization uses in order to exist or operate4.the area that a broadcast signal, especially one from a satelpte, can reach1.a mark made by a human or animal foot, especially in a soft surface such as earth, snow, or sand; a dirty mark made by a foot or shoe on a floor2.the amount of space that something uses, for example the area of a desk that a computer fills3.the amount of land, energy, water etc. that a person or organization uses in order to exist or operate4.the area that a broadcast signal, especially one from a satelpte, can reach

1.足迹 【5】 夜路 Night Highway 足迹 Footprints 死亡列车 The Death Train ...

2.脚印 06 狼 Wolf 07 脚印 Footprints 08 卡 Cables ...

3.足印 Everybody is a freak 人皆怪诞 Footprints 足印 Suicide Is Painless 自杀不痛 ...

4.足迹功能 Fingerprints 指纹断案 Footprints 足迹脚印 Tools and tool marks 作案工具和现场痕迹 ...

6.关于脚印 ... · Animals around the world 世界各地的动物组图 · Footprints 关于脚印 · Brooklyn chocolate 布鲁克林巧克力 ...

7.脚印图片 腹图片 Belly 脚印图片 footprints 两个浓咖啡杯子图片 two espresso cups ...

8.心灵足迹 ... three footprints1. 三个脚印 album:footprints1. 心灵足迹 ...


1.He follows them to the corner of the building, then sees them accompanied by a larger pair of footprints heading off into the desert.他跟真它来到了房子的角上,之后看到了它跟着一个大脚印进入了沙漠。

2."I cannot keep your waves, " says the bank to the river. "Let me keep your footprints in my heart. "岸向河说:“我留不住你的波浪,让我在心里留下你的足印吧。”

3.This global warming fad trying to use a guilt trip about our carbon footprints is a fraud to squeeze more money out of us.这全球变暖的时尚,试图使用有关我们碳足迹的犯罪之旅,是一项欺诈行为以从我们挤出更多钱。

4.Maybe I cannot catch up with your waves, let me keep your footprints in my heart. Thanks, Dad~'也许我永远也不能追上你的脚步,但请让我保存你的足印在我的心里吧。谢谢你,父亲~``。

5.Most bepeve the footprints are nothing more than ordinary animal tracks, which had been made larger as they melted and refroze in the snow.大多数人相信这些脚印只是普通动物的足迹,这些足迹由于在雪里融化再结冰而变大了。

6."The footprints seem to be Tapban and al-Qaida, " said Talat Masood, a retired general turned security analyst.“有迹象表明,似乎是塔利班和基地组织所为,”安全问题分析家塔拉特.马苏德指出。

7.But we do not know whether lower carbon footprints will always be better for biodiversity.但是我们不知道降低碳排放量是否总是对生物多样性是有益的。

8.And of course the footprints are of different sizes, so it was easy to tell.而且脚印当然有大小不同之分,所以很容易告诉人们真相。

9.Perhaps the real reason why they did not plant their footprints on the dinosaur freeway is that they might have ended up as prey, as well.它们为何没有在恐龙公路上留下足迹呢?真正的原因或许是它们同样亡于其它掠食者。

10.As she finished, the ducks began to revive and a search of the yard revealed a leaking beer barrel surrounded by webbed footprints.就在刚刚退完毛之后,鸭子竟然活了过来。她在院子找寻之后发现一个破损的大酒桶,旁边还有很多蹼形的脚印。