




1.蒙克关军需军运的重工业交通业,加以进一步的控制,或者如芒克Munk)所谓保留其所有权,而暂时取得其使用权(见武力《 …

3.蒙克湖该城建在维特恩湖与其他两个湖即蒙克湖Munk)和罗克湖(Rock)中间的狭长地带上,其中蒙克湖通过把城市一分为二的一 …

4.多伦多大学蒙克加拿大多伦多大学蒙克Munk)国际研究中心一批科研人员周末发表一份报告,声称他们发现有人正进行一项庞大的电子间谍 …

5.克公司【摘要】:正 据日刊《铝新时代》报道,联邦德国姆克公司(MUNK)研制发明了铝阳极氧化处理“自动电流密度控制装置STDR—5…

6.郑德国姆克公司据日刊《铝新时代》报道,联郑德国姆克公司(MUNK)研制发明了侣阳极式化处理“自动电流密度控制装置STDR一5”。 此装置是 …

7.穆恩科此时青灯部落的穆恩科Munk)来到欧阿,告诉绿灯侠们:绿光与其他任意一种色光混合,能够毁灭黑灯。凯尔从而想到了一 …


1.If that's the case, Munk said he expected to find more species with similar abipties.如果是这样的话,蒙克表示,他期望找到更多具有类似能力物种。

2.However, Mr Munk dismissed such concerns, noting that the acquisition of Equinox would immediately contribute to Barrick's earnings.不过,蒙克对这些担忧不以为然。他指出,收购Equinox将立即提升巴里克的利润。

3.Munk, however, had been born in Austria and Sverdrup had relatives in German-occupied Norway.然而,芒克出生于奥地利和斯维德鲁普,与德国占领挪威有联系。

4.Munk says this makes sense, given the fact that many of the trees in the Amazon rainforest have trunks covered in white pchens.蒙克的依据是很有意义的,因为很多在亚马逊雨林的树干都覆盖着一层白色地衣。

5.Mr Munk said its copper output could potentially quadruple with the help of the Equinox acquisition.蒙克表示,收购Equinox后,其铜产量有望增加三倍。

6.Meanwhile, Munk and Sverdrup set up shop at Scripps and began turning out entire classes of surf forecasters.与此同时,芒克和斯维德鲁普建立了基地,并开始进行海浪预报。

7.Munk has been lugging specially designed wind tunnels into the Amazonian rain forest since 2007.从2007年以来,蒙克就开始着手设计特殊的亚马孙雨林风洞。

8.Today, the 91-year-old Munk is convinced there never was a "they" .今天,91岁的芒克被人们证实“它们”永远都不会出现。

9.He and Munk developed a model but they still needed to test it.他和芒克开发出一种模式,但他们仍然需要进行测试。

10.That gang was exposed last year by a team of researchers from the Munk School of Global Affairs at the University of Toronto.该团伙去年被多伦多大学的蒙克全球事务学院的研究者揪了出来。