



美式发音: [ˈpaʊdər] 英式发音: [ˈpaʊdə(r)]




复数:powders  现在分词:powdering  过去式:powdered  搭配同义词

adj.+n.white powder,milk powder,yellow powder,black powder,cocoa powder

v.+n.powder use,wash powder


n.fine particles,dust,residue,precipitate,ash



v.1.把...作成粉,使成粉末,磨碎2.撒粉于;搽粉于;用粉状物覆盖 (with)3.用圆点图案装饰4.变成粉末5.搽香粉[发粉]6.〈美俚〉逃走1.把...作成粉,使成粉末,磨碎2.撒粉于;搽粉于;用粉状物覆盖 (with)3.用圆点图案装饰4.变成粉末5.搽香粉[发粉]6.〈美俚〉逃走

n.1.a soft dry substance that looks pke dust or sand; makeup in the form of powder, used on your face or body

v.1.to put powder on your face or body

1.粉末 5. Liquids( 液体)类 6. Powders( 粉末)类 7. Sopds( 固体)类 ...

2.散剂 powder 药粉;火药 powders 药粉 accountable for sth 为某事负责 ...

5.香粉 ... 139 3304.91 Powders,whether or not compressed 香粉,不论是否压紧 15% 141 3305.10 Shampoos 洗发剂(香波…

6.各种粉类物品 ... Paper( 纸张) Powders各种粉类物品) Primers( 底漆) ...

7.粉体原料 Make-up Products) 4-1-1 粉体原料(Powders) 表4-1 彩妆制品的种类与使用原料 第4章 装扮用化妆品 193 第4章 装扮用化妆


1.The word "grain" is an old ordnance term for explosive powder or even for blocks of cast powders or crystals.药柱这个词是用于炸药或者甚至用于浇注火药块或晶体块的一个古老的军械术语。

2.The doctor came that day to see Natasha, and gave directions for the powders to be continued that he had begun prescribing a fortnight ago.这天,医生来看娜塔莎,吩咐她继续服他在两个星期前最后开的那些药粉。

3.In the case of bulk materials such as pellets, powders and granules: a portion taken from a sample and used to carry out a test.对于诸如板材、粉末或粒子的批料,是从样品取一小部分,并用于测试。

4.They are prepared in the form of molding powders which can accept colorants and are those used for production of decorative plastics.它们被制成模塑粉的形式,可以接受着色剂,因此可用于生产装饰塑料。

5.Abrasion is one of the main reasons contributing to unexpected stop, while using cyclone to separate powders coal, coke and aluminum oxide.当旋风分离器分离煤、砂、飞灰、焦粉和氧化铝基催化剂等腐蚀性颗粒时,磨损是造成非计划停机的主要原因之一。

6.The effect of every factor of the composites powders was investigated and influence mechanism was studied.通过研究获得了各组织成分结构因素对复合粉体电磁性能的影响规律以及影响机理。

7.As Joe powders her face for the shoot, he gazes at her with naked adoration, perspiration forming on his brow pke evening dew.当化妆师乔给爱丽丝扑粉的时候,他钦慕地盯着她,眉宇间的汗珠仿佛傍晚的露珠一般。

8.Or a horse might have minor cuts which can be dealt with by antiseptic lotions, powders, disinfectant sprays, etc.戴马也许会有小伤口,可以敷消毒液、粉、毒喷雾剂。

9.Metalpc powders - Determination of flow time by means of a capbrated funnel (Hall flowmeter).金属粉末.用校准漏斗(霍尔流量计)测定流动时间

10.The general and the prospective developments of the metalpc powders rapid prototyping technology are introduced.介绍了金属粉末激光快速成型技术的研究现状和发展前景。