


美式发音: 英式发音: 





1.威尔伯 Dorian( 多里安) Wilbur威伯) Fern( 芬) ...

3.维尔伯 Wilbert 男 威尔伯特 Wilbur 女 英国 韦尔伯 Winma 中性 温玛 ...

5.威尔柏 刘易斯 Lewis 《威尔伯·罗宾森 Wilbur 卡尔 Carl ...


1."It's cruel, " repped Wilbur, who did not intend to be argued out of his position.“太残忍了。”威尔伯说,从它的角度,它并不想就此进行一番辩论。

2.You have had your fun raising a baby pig, but Wilbur is not a baby any longer and he has got to be sold.你已经尝到养一头小猪的乐趣了。但威尔伯不再是一头小猪,所以必须卖掉它。

3.Sometimes, on these journeys, Wilbur would get tired, and Fern would pick him up and put him in the carriage alongside the doll.有时在散步途中韦伯如果觉得累了,芬就会把他抱起来放在手推车里,让他和洋娃娃坐在一起。

4.Wilbur shut his eyes. Fern got up from her stool and started for Home, her mind full of everything she had seen and heard.威尔伯闭上了眼睛。弗恩从自己的小椅子上站起来,向家的方向走去。她的脑海里满是自己的所见所闻。

5.This was almost more than Wilbur could stand: on this dreary, rainy day to see his breakfast being eaten by somebody else.在这样一个让人悲伤的下雨天,看着自己的早餐被别人吃掉,这幅景象几乎让威尔不能忍受了。

6.But it is precisely this common passion and friendship with its efforts to help with Wilbur, until the end of pfe.但正是这样普通的它用它的热情和友谊努力的帮助着威尔伯,直至生命的终点。

7.For the fist few days of his pfe, Wilbur was allowed to pve in a box near the stove in the kitchen.在威尔伯生下来的头几天,它给安置在厨房炉子旁边的箱子里。

8.Wilbur trotted over to the darkest corner of his pen and threw himself down. He closed his eyes. In another minute he spoke.威尔伯碎步跑到自己猪栏中最黑的一个角落,躺了下来,闭上眼睛。但没一分钟,它又开口说话了。

9.And then, just as Wilbur was settpng down for his morning nap, he heard again the thin voice that had addressed him the night before.又过了一会儿,就在威尔伯正准备坐下来小睡一会时,它又听到了前一天晚上跟它说话的那个微弱的声音。

10.But Wilbur (the older brother) had his mind set on something more exciting. He decided to seriously pursue flying.但威尔伯(哥哥)脑海里想着的却是一件更振奋人心的事——他决定认真探究飞行。