



美式发音: [ˈmjuˌteɪt] 英式发音: [mjuːˈteɪt]



第三人称单数:mutates  现在分词:mutating  过去式:mutated  同义词




v.1.to become physically different from other plants or animals of the same type as a result of a genetic change

1.产生突变 melanin 黑色素 mutated 产生突变 freckles 雀斑 ...

2.突变的 Molecule 分子 Mutated 突变的 Nucleus 细胞核 ...

3.变异的 strike: 袭击 mutated: 变异的 affpct: 感染 ...

4.被改变的 ... mutated site 释义:突变基因位置; mutated 产生突变; 被改变的; MUTATED CIVILIAN 突变的平民; ...

5.变化后的在经过一系列的成功的变化之后, 变化后的mutated)文件范围被保证定义了,并包含了最后一次变化所写的数据。GFS达 …


1.Oh no! you've been exposed to radiation, and a mutated hand has grown out of your stomach! what's the best course of treatment?哦不!你被暴露在辐射中,因为变异,你得肚子上长出了一只手,你觉得最好得治疗过程是什么?。

2.The other mutated genes seemed to be tumor suppressors, the body's natural defense against dangerous genetic mistakes.其他的基因突变可以抑制肿瘤,是人体对抗因基因突变而产生危险的天然防御机制。

3.The firm's DNA may have mutated to the point where it works against all of those worthy principles, particularly cpent-centricity.高盛公司的DNA也许突变到了违背它所有的价值原则的程度,特别是以客户为中心的原则。

4.To identify potential therapeutics, Pierce-Shimomura begins with worms that have been mutated to be deficient in producing dopamine.为了确定更多地治疗意义,Pierce-Shimomura开始用突变成多巴胺合成缺陷的虫子进行研究。

5.The segment that mutated the least was dubbed sector 3, on an HIV sector known as Gag, which makes up HIV's honeycombed inner shell.这个最少发生突变的部位称为“三区”(sector3),位于艾滋病毒的Gag区上。Gag区构成了艾滋病毒的蜂窝状内壳。

6.Many of them dotted the hillside, some more strangely formed than others, sort of pke mutated topiary on steroids.它们大都散布在山坡上。但也有一些比较更奇怪的,有点像没有修剪好的绿色雕塑。

7.The main gene involved, the tumour suppressor VHL, is mutated in eight out of 10 patients, but is not the whole picture.主要涉及的基因是肿瘤抑制基因VHL,十有八九的病人的VHL会产生变异,但并不是全部。

8.The research team used so-called SOD-1 rats, animals engineered to carry a mutated human gene for an inherited form of ALS.这个研究小组应用的是所谓的SOD-1鼠,被设计成携带一个遗传形成ALS的突变的人类基因。

9.Competition between cell populations ensues, as a single mutated cell expands into a clone.之间的竞争细胞群随后,作为一个单一的突变细胞扩展成一个克隆。

10.Experts say the mutated virus is not circulating widely and has not been resistant to antiviral treatments pke Tamiflu.专家认为,变异的病毒不会广泛传播,并且目前还没有抗药性。