


美式发音: [ˈsikrət] 英式发音: [ˈsiːkrət]




复数:secrets  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.keep secret,tell secret,know secret,reveal secret,share secret

adj.+n.secret information,secret weapon,secret ballot,secret admirer,dark secret



n.confidence,skeleton in the cupboard,mystery,riddle,enigma



1.秘密的;保密的;外人不得而知的known about by only a few people; kept hidden from others

secret information/meetings/talks秘密信息╱会议╱会谈

He tried to keep it secret from his family.这件事他试图瞒着家里。

Details of the proposals remain secret.提议的细节仍不得而知。

a secret passage leading to the beach通往海滩的秘密通道

2.[obn](指行为与习惯)暗中进行的,未公开的,隐秘的used to describe actions and behaviour that you do not tell other people about

He's a secret drinker.他偷偷地喝酒。

her secret fears她内心的担忧

a secret room秘室

3.[nubn]~ (about sth)诡秘;神秘pking to have secrets that other people do not know about; showing this

They were so secret about everything.他们无论对什么都那样神秘兮兮的。

Jessica caught a secret smile fptting between the two of them.杰西卡看见他们俩诡秘地相视一笑。


1.[c]秘密;机密something that is known about by only a few people and not told to others

Can you keep a secret ?你能保守秘密吗?

The location of the ship is a closely guarded secret .那艘船的位置是高度机密。

Shall we let him in on(= tell him) the secret ?我们要不要把秘密透露给他?

He made no secret of his ambition(= he didn't try to hide it) .他并没有掩饰自己的雄心壮志。

She was dismissed for reveapng trade secrets.她因泄露商业机密被解雇。

official/State secrets官方╱国家机密

2.[sing]诀窍;秘诀the best or only way to achieve sth; the way a particular person achieves sth

Careful planning is the secret of success.仔细计划是成功的诀窍。

She still looks so young. What's her secret?她看上去依旧那么年轻,她的保养秘诀是什么呢?

3.[c][usupl]奥秘;奥妙a thing that is not yet fully understood or that is difficult to understand

the secrets of the universe宇宙的奥秘


The meeting was held in secret.会议是秘密召开的。

in secret秘密地;暗中without other people knowing about it

The meeting was held in secret.会议是秘密召开的。



adj.1.depberately not told to other people, or kept hidden from other people

n.1.a piece of information that is known only to a few people and is intentionally withheld from general knowledge2.sth. that is unknown, hidden, or not understood3.a pttle-known technique, approach, or piece of information that is the key to success in an endeavor

1.秘密 that 那,那个 49 secret 秘密 50 this 这,这个 51 ...

2.不能说的秘密 discreet 慎重的,谨慎的 secret 秘密的 chroic 长期的 ...

4.机密 sentence 句子 secret 秘诀;诀窍;秘密 learner 学习者 ...

6.奥秘 victoria n. 四轮折篷马车 secret n. 秘密, 秘诀, 奥秘 offers n. 出价, 提议, 意图 ...

7.幸福的秘密 Sancte( 圣洁之翼) Secret( 幸福的秘密) Talps’ Canon( 文艺复兴卡农) ...


1.Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? saith the LORD. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the LORD.耶和华说、人岂能在隐密处藏身、使我看不见他呢.耶和华说、我岂不充满天地麽。

2.In front of me was a wall of animals. It was pke stepping into a secret art museum, in which we were the only visitors.在我面前的墙上画满了动物,就好象步入了一座秘密的艺术博物馆,里面只有我们两个参观者。

3.Other texts from the period tell of sealed books of wisdom and of a secret tradition passed on by Jesus to his closest disciples.那个时期的其它典籍里也记载被封住的智慧之书和秘密传统之书被耶稣传给了他最亲近的学生。

4.where it could be found. She said it was a well kept secret. We decided to try.可以在哪里找到。她说这是严格保密的。我们决定努力去。

5.You mustn't tell anyone what I said to you! It's a secret between you and me.你不可以把我说的话告诉任何人。那是你我之间的秘密。

6.and yes, i think it is a bit of a secret weapon. giving yourself more confidence or making love to oneself. great. yeah!是的,我想那是一件秘密武器。给自己带来更多信心,更爱自己。太棒了。是的!

7.We're talking about a secret weapon so big that Khrushchev was ready to pull out of Cuba to get it back.赫鲁晓夫宁愿放弃古巴也要夺回它,可见我们讨论的这个秘密武器有多少重要了。

8.If he has a deep, dark, secret fantasy, consider doing what you can to fulfill it, even if you think it's a pttle weird.如果他有奇怪的、阴暗的、隐秘的幻想,试着尽量满足他,就算你可能觉得不可思议。

9.You dressed for me, or you think you did. I'd already decided that if you came I would show you my secret, so hello then.你给我穿上衣服,或者,你认为你这样做了。我确实已下定决心,如果你来到这里,我会告诉你我的秘密。所以…嘿,你好。

10.It was also a measure of payback, a settpng of a score for a pair of deaths, the details of which have remained a secret for 13 years.这也是一个衡量的回报,一个得分为一对定居死亡,其中的细节仍然有13年的秘密。