


美式发音: [mʌt] 英式发音: [mʌt]


网络释义:笨蛋;Microsoft USB Test Tool;小狗

复数:mutts  同义词反义词





1.狗;杂种狗a dog, especially one that is not of a particular breed


n.1.a pet dog, especially one that does not belong to a particular breed

1.笨蛋 doodle 混时间, 闲荡, 涂鸦 mutt 蠢人, 笨蛋, 杂种狗 mutt 笨人;傻瓜;呆子 ...

2.杂种狗 doodle 混时间, 闲荡, 涂鸦 mutt 蠢人, 笨蛋, 杂种狗 mutt 笨人;傻瓜;呆子 ...

3.Microsoft USB Test Tool?”他用他的佛罗里达口音说道,“你就像是一只滑板的小狗mutt)!”他觉得这太好玩了,然后就开始大笑起来。

5.蠢人 doodle 混时间, 闲荡, 涂鸦 mutt 蠢人, 笨蛋, 杂种狗 mutt 笨人;傻瓜;呆子 ...

6.傻子 parish 教区 mutt 傻子,笨蛋,狗 parlay 连本带利的赌 ...


1.President Barack Obama, who has a rich ethnic background, has called himself "a mutt" . It does not seem to have done him too much harm.多种族背景的巴拉克•奥巴马总统(BarackObama)自称为“混种人”(mutt),这似乎并未给他带来太多害处。

2.In the advertisement, Harvey is an unwanted mutt longing for a new owner as he waits in a rescue center's kennels.在广告视频中,“哈维”是一条在收容所等待新主人的流浪狗。

3.Dante: Wow, Ive never seen a talking mutt before. You know in a dog show, your definitely take first place.但丁:哇,在这以前我还从来没有见过会说人话旳小狗。要知道假如是在一场宠物秀上,伱定能夺得冠军。

4.Dante: Wow, I've never seen a talking mutt before. You know in a dog show, you'd definitely take first place.但丁:哇,在这之前我还从来没有见过会说人话的小狗。要知道如果是在一场宠物秀上,你一定能夺得冠军。

5."And I was just this . . . mutt! Before 'The Graduate, ' I felt that I would be fighting my whole pfe. I got fired a lot. "“我就是这幅……熊样!在《毕业生》之前,我感觉我要奋争一辈子呢。我被解雇过好多次。”

6.A year ago, a mutt helped me fulfill one of my dreams.一年以前,一只混血狗实现了我的一个愿望。

7.Apparently, mutt stats each mail file twice, which tends to hurt performance more than normal.显然,每个邮件文件mutt都要stat两次,这样就会比平常更加影响性能。

8.As an aside, getting simple apppcations pke xterm and mutt on Linux to support UTF-8 encodings can be quite challenging as well.此外,给Linux的一些简单应用(如xterm、mutt)加上UTF-8编码支持,也是一项很有趣的挑战。

9.Any mutt can have puppies, but it takes a real dog to be a father. Just follow your heart.任何狗狗都会有小狗狗,但是只有真正的狗才可以做爸爸。随性就好了。

10.All of this could have been avoided, I fumed, if Andy, a neighborhood mutt, had only stayed on his side of the street.我一肚子闷气,要是我们家附近的那只杂种狗安迪待在大街那边,本来什么事都没有。