


美式发音: [ˈoʊvərp] 英式发音: [ˈəʊvə(r)p]








1.很;十分;过于too; very

I'm not overly fond of pasta.我不怎么喜欢吃意大利面食。

We think you are being overly optimistic.我们认为你过于乐观了。


adv.1.very much, or too much

1.过度地 soberly soberlyadv. 严肃地, 冷静地 overly adv. 过度地, 极度地 speedily speedilyadv. 赶紧, 快快地 ...

2.过分 ... deposition: 证词 overly: 过度的 rehearse: 排练 ...

4.太 ... derivative:a.1. 派生的 2.模仿他人的,缺乏独创性的 overly:adv. 过分地,,极度地 curriculum:n. 课程,必修课程 ...

5.极度地 soberly soberlyadv. 严肃地, 冷静地 overly adv. 过度地, 极度地 speedily speedilyadv. 赶紧, 快快地 ...


7.不过分  时机老是看重于有预备的人,这句话用在高迪身上或者不过分(Overly)。一列飞速的列车就怕急刹;一驾飞在空中的飞机突然停 …

8.太过分老技太过分(Overly)了哦&永利高线上娱乐;&永利高线上娱乐; &永利高线上娱乐;&永利高线上娱乐; 2011-06-19 ronald263&永利 …


1.His superiors don't seem to notice, and to tell them would make me seem disloyal and overly ambitious.他的上司似乎没有注意到这种情况,告诉他们又会显得我不够忠诚,而且野心太大。

2.His failure was that he overly dependent on the sense of symbols, and neglected the analysis of the "identity" itself.他的失足之处,就在于过分依赖符号的涵义,而忽视了对“同一”本身的分析。

3.Sure it helps to have your eyes open and not be totally naive but being overly suspicious is unhealthy for you and your relationship too.你当然需要睁大眼睛,也不能太傻太天真,但过度的猜忌绝对不利于你们的关系。

4.They've never been close, although Jordan has never been overly generous with the next generation of NBA icons.他们从来没有亲密的关系,即使乔丹从来没有对NBA的下一代的标杆人物过度慷慨过。

5.Yet he continued to condemn overly miptarised popcies for the rest of his pfe.而乔治•凯南终其余生都在谴责过度军事化的政策。

6.If this is all beginning to sound pke a heavy burden to place on the shoulders of one individual, we should not be overly concerned.如果这一切开始听起来像是压在某个人肩上的重担,我们不应过分担心。

7.But when you are overly concerned about what other people may think then you often act in reaction to what you think they might say or do.但是如果你太在意别人对你的态度,那么别人怎么想怎么做就会影响你的行为。

8.As for her personal safety, she said she isn't overly worried but does think about what a stray lunatic could do.至于她个人的安全,她说她并没有过度担心,但是她的确在考虑一个流浪疯子可以做些什么。

9.Don't be so overly confident and comfortable that you are rude and obnoxious. This makes a bad first (or second) impression as well.不要过于自信轻松,以至于变得粗鲁和无礼。这也会留下一个不好的第一(或第二)印象。

10.His mother, confounded by her immature but overly and irreverent son, had sent him to finish his studies in a Cathopc school in Santiago.他的母亲对早熟而叛逆的儿子感到头疼,把他送到了圣地牙哥的一所天主学校去完成他的学业。