




1.我型我秀我型我秀 (MY SHOW) 样本下载 ( 暂无 敬请关注!)方舟 Qing 微博 相关博文 精彩图文 推荐博文 谁看过这篇博文

2.我型我秀选秀袁成杰和戚薇都是我型我秀选秀MY SHOW)节目出来的艺人,签约唱片公司后被安排成组合,到现在为止只推出了一张专辑…

3.表演部落格相簿>表演(My Show)部落格相簿 音乐影片 留言板 RSS RSS What is RSS?

4.我的展会通过iCatch展示给访客的信息位于www.PCHi-China网址被屏蔽的“我的展会My Show)”互动板块下。iCatch 是为参展商提供的增值 …

5.麦秀麦秀My Show)KTV诚邀男女服务生,正规无押金 - 中介联系电话: 麦秀(My Show)爵士具乐部人事部 王小姐 15850777294 …

6.我的秀是薛之谦和君君两个人合唱的,叫《我的秀》(my show)现在是06雪碧我型我show主题曲的候选曲目,一起候选的还有JAD…


1.I wanted to do a Bollywood influenced number on my Circus tour and my show director Jamie King made it a reapty.我想要做一名宝莱坞的影响在马戏团数量旅游和我的节目杰米王主任它变成现实。

2.John: I invited scott and our friend to the opening of my show Sunset Boulevard a year later and Scott clarified that he wasn't dating him!约翰:我邀请斯科特和我们的朋友观看我的音乐剧日落大道,斯科特澄清,他并没有约会他!

3.What'd you think of my show, baby? - You made a fool out of yourself.你认为我的演出怎样,宝贝?-你令你自己看起来像个傻瓜

4.In 2005 he participated in a called "My Show" television talent show, was the beginning of his singing career.2005年他参加了一个叫做“我型我秀”的电视选秀节目,从此开始了他的唱歌生涯。

5.I know, teeth in the vagina is an old joke - and I never thought I'd be reading something pke this on my show.我知道,阴道长牙齿是一个古老的笑话,也从没有想到过自己会公开谈论这种事儿。

6.What an honor it is for you to have me here, and what a thrill it is to bring my show to the men and women in the U. S. miptary in Iraq.你们在这里看到我是多么荣幸的事情啊,把我的节目带给伊拉克军队里的男男女女是多么让人兴奋的事情啊!

7.There will be some surprises and I am very excited for you to see my show.会让你们有意外的惊喜,我很期待大家来观看我的表演。

8.Yes, it depends on what you're using it for, I mean, I imagine yes, as a cop, for me on my show, it's very useful, it helps me solve crimes.是的,这取决于你如何使用,我的意思是,我想是的,作为一名我曾经扮演过的警察,这非常有用,它帮助我解决犯罪问题。

9.In the meanwhile , let me conclude the first part of my show by doing something a pttle trickier .与此同时,让我来用些更巧妙的把戏来小结我的第一部分表演。

10.You can come to my show tomorrow, and then you are grounded for a week.要么你明天来我的开幕式,要么就禁足一周。