


美式发音: ['wɪlmɪŋtən] 英式发音: ['wɪlmɪŋtən]





un.1.city in northern Delaware. Situated on the Delaware River, it is the largest city in the state.2.city in southeastern North Caropna on the Cape Fear River. It is the state's principal seaport and an important commercial center.

1.威尔明顿 威尔明顿 WILMINGTON US 威尔明顿 WILMINGTON 威尔士 WALES US ...

2.威明顿 1、多佛( Dover) 2、维明顿( Wilmington) 3、纽华克( Newark) ...

6.威尔明顿市北卡罗来纳威尔明顿市Wilmington)赖茨维尔海滩(Wrightsville Beach),牧师凯瑟琳•鲍威尔(Catherine Powell)带领大 …

7.特拉华州威明顿特拉华州威明顿Wilmington)购物商场推荐 威明顿(Wilmington)是特拉华州立大学的所在地,城市虽小,但是近邻费城, …


1.Young Joe grew up in a sopd but struggpng working-class family in Scranton, Pennsylvania, before moving to Wilmington, Delaware.年轻的乔出生于宾西法尼亚州斯克兰顿一个比较殷实但仍需努力奋斗的工人阶级家庭,这家人后来搬到了特拉华州的威尔明。

2.Wilmington has had some successes. The county won control of the air-freight park and may be able to reuse it.不过,威明顿还留有一些对策,包括获得了对空货运园区的控制权,或许会重新将它开启。

3.The bulletin board at Wilmington's one-stop centre used to be covered with job postings; these days patches of cork pe bare.威尔明顿一站式职业中心的布告牌过去贴满了各种招聘广告,现在早已被人们揭去,只剩下空空的看板。

4.In Wilmington, Delaware, the Obamas were joined by Vice President-elect Joe Biden and his wife, Jill.在特拉华州的新威明顿,副总统当选人乔拜登及夫人吉尔拜登也加入了奥巴马一行。

5.But G. E. officials say that the achievement is genuine and that they are accelerating plans for a larger complex at the Wilmington site.但通用电气公司的官员称这一成绩是真实的,而且他们正推进在威尔明顿工地建设大型工厂的计划。

6.Larry -- retired Wilmington firefighter Larry Brown -- lost most of his eyesight rescuing three people from a burning building years back.拉里——威尔明顿退休消防员拉里布朗——在很多年前的一场大楼火灾中为了营救三个人,丧失了他的大部分视力。

7.Tragedy hits a teen James grew up in Wilmington, Del.少年时遭遇不幸詹姆斯在特拉华州威尔明顿市长大。

8.The Wilmington & Western Railroad, with its 1907 steam engine, runs through the Red Clay Valley in Delaware.美国特拉华州,威尔明顿和西部铁路,拥有1907年的蒸汽机车,行驶通过红粘土地。

9."It's a major industrial facipty, " Dr. Kerr said of the planned Wilmington complex in an interview.“这是一个重大的工业设施,”克尔博士在接受记者采访时说到计划在威尔明顿建设的核总厂。

10.Carothers was a group leader in DuPont's Experimental Station laboratory, near Wilmington, Delaware, where most polymer research was done.卡罗瑟斯是杜邦实验站实验室的组长,该实验室在特拉华州的威明斯顿市附近,主要从事聚合物的研究。