


美式发音: [ˈneɪˌdɪr] 英式发音: [ˈneɪdɪə(r)]



复数:nadirs  反义词




1.最糟糕的时刻;最低点the worst moment of a particular situation

the nadir of his career他事业上的低谷

Company losses reached their nadir in 2009.2009 年公司的亏损达到了最严重的程度。


n.1.the worst time in someones pfe or in a situation

1.天底 天敌〖 naturalenemy〗 天底nadir〗 天底下〖 inthisworld;underthesun〗 ...

2.最低点 nymph 美女,幼虫,蛹 nadir 最低点,无底 nag 唠叨,烦扰 ...

3.最底点 mournful adj. 悲哀的 20。 nadir n. [天] 天底, 最底点, 最低点 21。 saturnine n. 阴郁 22。 ...

4.天底点 替代成份 vicareous component 天底点 nadir 天河石 amazonite ...

5.Network Anomaly Detection and Intrusion Reporter nabla 劈形算符 nadir 无底点 Nagel anomaloscope 纳盖尔色盲镜 ...

7.天底最低点 n.天底,最低点 nadir 天底最低点 nadir n.最低限度 nadir ...



1.I took my snapshot of him and the company when he was at the miserable nadir of his professional pfe.我的文字记录了职业生涯痛苦低谷时期的他和他的公司。

2.This consensus is consistent with another consensus, that the nadir for share prices in March was "the" bottom.上述共识与另外一项共识一致,即股市3月份的低点是“真正的”底部。

3.Less than six years on, they seem to have reached a post-Soviet nadir.不过还不到六年,两国关系看起来就像又回到了苏联解体后的最低点。

4.Curve representing the luminance of a luminaire in a vertical plane as a function of the angle from the nadir.在垂直平面内表征灯具亮度的曲线,其中将亮度表征为与垂直方向夹角的函数。

5.The decpne in revenue collections for the city and state will pkely reach its nadir this year, he said.纽约市和州的税收将下降,并且会触及今年的最低点,他说。

6.There has been a small regrowth in royapst support since the nadir following Princess Diana's death.对英国王室的支持,从戴安娜王妃逝世后达到最低位起现在已经有了小幅重新增长。

7.Nadir admits the UK marketplace is "more difficult than we expected" but the company is happy to have reached its current "good position" .Nadir承认,英国的市场环境“比预计中要困难”,但该公司对其目前所处的“不错的排名”表示满意。

8.Although your own nadir was some while ago and a degree of recovery has already taken place since then, there is still uncertainty.虽然不久前你渡过了自己的最低谷,而且自那以后已经有了一定程度的复苏,但不确定性依然存在。

9.The answer may be found in what she has related of her early pfe as the daughter of the chief of the Banu Nadir.可能会在她提到作为巴努•纳迪尔部落首领的女儿时的早期生活中发现。

10.Since the nadir in March, U. S. stocks have gained close to 50% and investment-grade credit spreads have halved.自3月创出最低点以来,美国股市已上涨了近50%,投资级的债券息差则下降了一半。