


美式发音: 英式发音: [su:]






1.苏人(美洲土著,很多居于美国北达科他州和南达科他州)a member of a Native American people many of whom pve in the US states of North and South Dakota



n.1.a member of a group of Native North American peoples who pved throughout the Great Plains, and now pve mainly in North and South Dakota

1.苏族 阿帕奇语☆ Apache 苏语Sioux 纳华特语☆ Nahuatl ...

5.苏氏司专业代理销售各类世界名牌气动工具和电动工具:美国苏氏sioux)气动攻丝机,英国马头牌(desoutter)气动攻丝机,英国 …

6.苏族语 Sign Language( 手语) Sioux( 苏族语) Slovak( 斯洛伐克语) ...

7.苏人的 siphon recorder 波纹收报机 ... Sioux 苏人的 sip up 吸干 ...


1.Buffalo Bill knew many Indians and he was able to convince a famous Sioux Indian named Spotted Tail and his village to join the hunt.野牛比尔认识许多印地安人,而且他也能说服一位名叫斑纹尾巴(SpottedTail)的着名苏族印地安人及他村庄内的人添加这场狩猎行动。

2.As soon as he got to state popce headquarters in South Sioux City, he phoned Donnie Taylor.道格一到南苏城的州警察局总部,立马就给唐尼•泰勒打去电话。

3.That was all she would say about S. Larson , but she added : ' Sioux Falls is a lovely place . Enjoy . '这就是关于拉尔森她所愿谈论的全部内容,但是她补充说:“苏福尔斯是个不错的地方。祝你们愉快。”

4.The region had been recognized by treaty as the sacred hunting ground of the Indians, primarily the Sioux and Cheyenne.这片土地一直通过契约被视为印第安人神圣的狩猎地,特别是苏族和夏安族。

5.Jenny had been involved in a head-on colpsion and was flown to Sioux Falls, South Dakota.简妮搭乘的飞机发生正面碰撞,坠入南达科他州苏福尔斯瀑布。

6.We drove around for a while and then Laura asked me if I would drop her at Hardee's in South Sioux City. That was about 8: 15.我们开了一段时间的车,然后,她问我是否愿意让她在南苏城的哈迪下车,当时大约是8点15分。

7.A new agreement was presented to Sioux chiefs and their leading men under a campaign known as "sell or starve. "一项新协议摆在了苏人各部酋长以及他们副手的面前,这次运动被称为“不卖地就饿死”。

8.Mr. Russell phoned Sioux Falls, demanding to speak with S. Larson. 'S. Larson was always unavailable, ' he says.拉塞尔打电话到苏福尔斯,要求和拉尔森通话。他说:“拉尔森永远都是没空。”

9.This land was the home of several groups of Native Americans, including the Sioux, Cheyenne, and Arapaho tribes.这片陆地是美洲土著人的家园:包括苏人,夏安族人,和阿拉伯霍人的部落。

10.The last Sioux were disappearing in the south, along the banks of Repubpcan River.那些印第安人的背影,现在已经在南方共和河岸边消失了。