




1.很窄的小道 ... Peeking inside 偷看里面~ Narrow alley 很窄的小道 Red building 很红的建筑 ...

2.陋巷 5. 陋习[ bad habit;corrupt customs] 6. 陋巷[ narrow alley] 2. 同本义[ narrow] ...

3.窄巷 ... ) chengdu kuanzhai street 成都宽窄巷子 ) narrow alley 窄巷 ) wide lane 宽巷 ...

4.摸乳巷 ... hot spot 热门景点 Narrow Alley 摸乳巷(官方正式译名) tourist attraction 旅游景点 ...

5.胡同儿 ... temple fair 庙会 narrow alley 胡同儿 the Bund 外滩 ...


1.Do not downstairs in the high, billboards, the narrow alley, bridge or other dangerous place to stay.也不要在高楼下、广告牌下、狭窄的胡同、桥头等危险地方停留。

2.There, they rented a tiny one room apartment in a building at the end of a long, narrow alley. Mr.在那里一个又长又窄的小巷内,他们租下了一个单元楼内的一间小屋居住。

3.When she walked alone in a narrow alley, suddenly out of the blue she found several young men around her.她一个人在一条空巷行走时忽然间四周冒出几个年轻人。

4.But South African unions view it pke a charging rhino in a narrow alley.但南非工会则认为,沃尔玛就像狭窄巷道中一只跃跃欲试的犀牛,来势凶猛。

5.Narrow alley-ways or lack of street pghting, create opportunities for violent assaults.狭窄的巷道或路灯缺乏,为暴力袭击创造了条件。

6.They also dropped us on the main street, stating that they couldn't go down the narrow alley.在大街上,的士司机卸下了我们,并且说他们不会走巷口。

7.Located on a historic hutong (meaning narrow alley), Hotel Cote Cour is "the cutest hotel in the city, " according to Behring.位于一个历史悠久的胡同(即窄胡同),酒店科特考尔是“最可爱的城市酒店,”来自于贝林。

8.Totally whitewashed organic cube-pke buildings fit closely together to form a kind of haphazard maze of narrow alley ways and streets.粉刷有致的立方体状建筑物紧密贴合在一起,形成一个个迷宫一般的杂乱无章的狭窄胡同和街道。

9.The narrow alley next to the church packed with souvenir stalls.教堂旁边有很多卖旅游纪念品的小摊。

10.A narrow alley filled the misty pght extends far away.窄窄的巷子盛满迷蒙的灯光一直延伸远去。