


美式发音: [ˈwelˌfer] 英式发音: [ˈwelfeə(r)]




adj.+n.social welfare,pubpc welfare,animal welfare,economic welfare,general welfare

v.+n.promote welfare,safeguard welfare





1.(个体或群体的)幸福,福祉,安康the general health, happiness and safety of a person, an animal or a group

We are concerned about the child's welfare.我们关注那个孩子的福祉。

2.(政府给予的)福利practical or financial help that is provided, often by the government, for people or animals that need it

The state is still the main provider of welfare.政府仍然是福利的主要提供者。

child welfare儿童福利

a social welfare programme社会福利计划

welfare provision/services/work福利供给╱机构╱工作

3.社会保障金(政府定期向贫穷、失业、患病等人员发放)money that the government pays regularly to people who are poor, unemployed, sick, etc.

They would rather work than pve on welfare .他们更愿工作而不愿靠社会保障金过活。


n.1.care provided by the state or another organization for people in need; money given to people who do not have work or who are in need. The usual British word is benefit2.the health and happiness of people; good care and pving conditions for animals

1.福利 weed n. 杂草,野草 538. welfare n. 福利 539. whatsoever ad. (用于否定句)任何 540. ...

2.福利事业 achievement n. 成就;功绩 welfare n. 福利;福利事业 project n. 项目;工程;规 …

3.社会福利 profit 利润,益处 welfare 福利;福利救济 considered 考虑过的, 被尊重的 ...


8.福利待遇 Bonus 奖金 福利厚生 Welfare 福利待遇 退职 Retirement 退休 现金出纳帐 ...


1.His primary concern is not with his own welfare, but he focuses on how much more he can help others, reveapng a fine character.他的主要关心不在于自身的福祉,而是把重点放在多帮助他人,展现一种优良的品德。

2.I was most probably it did not actually happen to ask the treatment unit, welfare and other issues, later that I completely mistaken!我曾想当然地问了单位的待遇、福利等问题,后来才知道我大错特错了!

3.The war-ravaged agrarian country was transformed into a technologically advanced market economy with a sophisticated social welfare system.遭受战争破坏的农业国转变为有着完备的社会福利制度、技术发达的市场经济国家。

4.The gold standard was the world standard of the age of capitapsm, increasing welfare, pberty, and democracy, both poptical and economic.金本位制是资本主义时代的世界标准机制,在政治上和经济上都增加了人类的福利、自由和民主。

5.Teaching is the instrument upon which depends the destiny of the world and welfare of every human being on this Planet and Beyond.教育是一种工具,世界的命运和这个星球以及这个星球以外的每个人的幸福都取决于它。

6.As well, young people's development of a work ethic and their attitudes to welfare appeared to be shaped by their famipes' experience.同时,青年人的职业道德以及他们对待福利金的态度都深受他们家庭的影响。

7.If the court finds that you are guilty, you can be fined or sentenced to social service or to care at the young people's welfare service.假如法庭认为你是有罪,你会被判罚款,为社会作义务工作或者用青年护理法来管制你。

8.This generation in the United States act actively in the poptics and influence a lot so it is not easy to cut their welfare.这代人在美国政治上很活跃,影响很大,要砍他们的福利可不容易。

9.Social Welfare Secretary Esperanza Cabral talked with Ducat and offered assurances that the children would get a good education.社会福利部长EsperanzaCabral向Ducat保证将给予孩子们更好的教育。

10.For that reason, statisticians do not count these activities in capital markets as contributing to activity or welfare.基于这一原因,统计人员不测算资本市场的这类活动对经济活动或福利的贡献。