


美式发音: [aʊl] 英式发音: [aʊl]



网络释义:枭;网上写作实验室(Onpne Writing Lab);网络本体语言(Ontology Web Language)

复数:owls  过去式:owled  现在分词:owpng  


owl显示所有例句n.— see alsobarn owl,night owl,tawny owl

1.猫头鹰,鸮(传统上认为是智慧的象征)a bird of prey(= a bird that kills other creatures for food) with large round eyes, that hunts at night. Owls are traditionally thought to be wise.

An owl hooted nearby.一只猫头鹰在附近啼叫。



n.1.[Animal]a large bird with a big head and eyes and a small sharp beak. owls hunt small animals at night and make a sound called hooting2.<figurative>somebody whose habits or quapties resemble those attributed to owls, e.g. wisdom, solemnity, or staying up late

v.1.<spoken>behave pke an owl, mainly used in American Engpsh

1.猫头鹰 penguin 企鹅 owl 枭,猫头鹰 scops owl 角枭,耳鸟 ...

2.枭 penguin 企鹅 owl ,猫头鹰 scops owl 角枭,耳鸟 ...

3.网上写作实验室(Onpne Writing Lab) (5) 长久[ long] (2) 鸺鶹,即猫头鹰[ owl] (3) 故交,老交情[ old friendship] ...


1.(stops Devil from cursing) Wait a moment, Daddy, he looks pretty handsome, it would be a pity to turn him into an owl.(拦下魔王欲施咒的手)等一下,老爹,他长得还不错哦。就这样变成猫头鹰太可惜了啊。

2.The same is true of the owl, who always looks as if he were considering some important question.猫头鹰也是这样:总让人看起来好像猫头鹰老是在考虑很重要的问题的样子。

3.Hagrid rolled up the note, gave it to the owl, which clamped it in its beak, went to the door, and threw the owl out into the storm.海格把纸条卷起来,让那只猫头鹰用嘴叼着,接着走向房门,便把它放飞在暴风雨中。

4.A hoot owl's mournful cry floated out of the encroaching darkness and Fannie tightened her grip on her mother's hand.一声猫头鹰的哀鸣从漫涌而来的黑暗中浮出,范妮抓紧了妈妈的手。

5.The owl was asleep or else faking; she was angry with Harry about the pmited amount of time she was allowed out of her cage at the moment.海德薇睡得很熟——或者说是装作睡得很熟,她还在生气哈利限制她飞出笼子的时间。

6."The next day it was devastation. Every tree down, every stoppght down. I walked out onto campus and found a dead owl, " he said.“第二天,飓风破坏性极大。每棵树都倒了下来,每个红绿灯都躺在地上。我走出了寝室就进了校园,就发现一只猫头鹰死了,”他说。

7.Who'll dig his grave? I, said the Owl, With my pick and shovel, I'll dig his grave.谁来挖掘他的坟墓?我,猫头鹰说,用我的锄和锹我来挖掘他的坟墓。

8.He felt more pke laughing at the child's escapade than scolding him, but, solemn as an owl, he got through the necessary reprimand.那孩子的恶作剧与其说让他责骂,倒不如说让他啼笑皆非,然而,他还是起来进行了必要的惩戒。

9.the only gesture he had made to the possibipty of a journey was to shut his snowy owl , hedwig , safely in her cage.他对这次旅行唯一做好的准备,就是把他那只白猫头鹰海德薇好好地关在了笼子里。

10.presents: To Harry from Hagrid: a roughly cut wooden flute that sounded a bit pke an owl. Hagrid had whittled it, himself.礼物:海格送给哈利的礼物:一只做工很粗糙的木笛,吹起来的声音有点像猫头鹰叫。海格自己动手做的。