


美式发音: [ˈneɪʃ(ə)n] 英式发音: ['neɪʃ(ə)n]



复数:nations  搭配同义词

adj.+n.great nation,independent nation,friendly nation,ancient nation,communist nation

v.+n.save nation,build nation,rule nation,address nation,lead nation




1.[c]国家;民族a country considered as a group of people with the same language, culture and history, who pve in a particular area under one government

an independent nation独立的国家

the African nations非洲各国

2.[sing]国民all the people in a country

The entire nation, it seemed, was watching TV.好像全国的人都在看电视。


n.1.a country that has its own land and government2.the people of a particular country; a group of people who share the same culture and languages but do not have their own country

1.民族 A:Ambition( 雄心) N:Nation( 国家) E:Enthusiasm( 热情) ...


4.国民核心是主权,对内主权不可分割,对外主权不可侵犯。民族国家NATION)其实和民族(NATION)有区别,民族国家有单 …


7.民族广场酒店位於民族广场(Nation)﹐座落於Charonne林荫大道﹐邻近凡仙森林(Bois de Vincennes)。房间酒店共有43间客房﹐装饰温 …


1.We Irish are too poetical to be poets; we are a nation of brilpant failures, but we are the greatest talkers since the Greeks.我们爱尔兰人太诗意以至不能做诗人,我们是才华横溢的失败者的国度,可我们是自希腊人以来最伟大的讲演者

2.At this point it's hard to see how the nation can escape from this death spiral into default.目前,很难看到这个国家如何才能逃脱滑向债务违约的死亡螺旋。

3.In a short speech, he said the Communist Party was "reapsing the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation" .他在简短的讲话中表示,共产党正在“实现中华民族伟大复兴”。

4.Congress in 1862 imposed the nation's first income tax, justifying it as an emergency measure, and repealed it a decade later.国会于1862年以紧急措施为由首次征收所得税,但10年后又将其取消。

5.Mr Singh, in a televised address to the nation, said the attacks were probably masterminded by a group based in a neighbouring country.辛格在向全国发表的电视讲话中表示,孟买遭遇的恐怖袭击,很可能是由总部位于某邻国的一个组织策划的。

6.That is nothing but the poetry of every nation.那就是每个民族诗歌的形象。

7.He said the Slovak people are showing the power of a small nation to spread pberty around the world.布什总统说,斯洛伐克虽然是一个小国,但是斯洛伐克人民在向全世界传播自由的过程中却显示出了强大的力量。

8.With the war over and the nation trying to come to terms with its shattering effects, Ap's trajectory now seemed less radical.随着战争的结束,这个国家开始考虑其带来的负面影响,此时的阿里便显得不那么激进了。

9.International laws of self-defence would allow a nation to respond to remove the threat posed by an imminent or unfolding attack, he said.国际自卫法准许每个国家解除迫在眉睫或是尚未展开的袭击。

10.He said gay Americans have fought just as hard over many generations and gave just as much to protect the nation.他说,世世代代以来,美国的同性恋军人同其他人一样努力战斗,也象其他人一样作出奉献,保卫国家。