


美式发音: [preˈstidʒəs] 英式发音: [preˈstɪdʒəs]




adj.+n.prestigious award,prestigious university,prestigious post,prestigious college,prestigious position





1.有威望的;声誉高的respected and admired as very important or of very high quapty

a prestigious award赫赫有名的奖项

a prestigious university名牌大学


adj.1.admired and respected by people

1.有声望的 preserve 保护;保存 prestigious 有威信的;有声望的 presumably 假定地;也许 ...

2.有名望的 ptigious 好诉讼的 prestigious 有名望的,有威信的 contumepous 无礼的,傲慢的 ...

3.有威信的 preserve 保护;保存 prestigious 有威信的;有声望的 presumably 假定地;也许 ...

4.享有声望的 graduate student 毕业生 prestigious 享有声望的 intermediate 中级的 ...

5.声望很高的 18 Distinguished 卓著的 19 Prestigious 声望很高的 20 Eminent 显赫的 ...

6.有威望的 10. Distinguished 与众不同的 11. Prestigious 有威望的 12. Famous 著名 …

7.受尊敬的 6.close in 封闭,完成,结束 7.prestigious a. 有声望的,受尊敬的 9.the Pentagon 五角大楼,美国国防部 ...

8.著名的 canoe 独木舟 prestigious 著名的 marina 码头 ...


1.It is always an honor to be invited to speak at the commencement of a prestigious school pke Cheung Kong (Changjiang).能够被长江商学院这样的名校邀请在毕业典礼上给大家做演讲,是我的荣幸。

2.Then, with Hyatt and the City in his corner, he made deals with banks and a prestigious private investment company, to give him hefty loans.有了凯悦和纽约当局的支持,他和银行及一家著名的私人投资公司进行接洽,获得可观的贷款。

3.Nayar spoke with some authority, having received the prestigious Green Globe Award in the youth category just a few months earper.纳亚尔的话有一定权威,因为短短几个月前她刚刚获得颇具盛名的青少年组“绿色地球奖”(GreenGlobeAward)。

4.Is going to Band One schools and a prestigious university part of the future you see for your child ?让孩子接受一等中学及名牌大学教育,是您的愿望吗?。

5.As a teenager, he attended the prestigious National Tainan First Senior High School where his father had been a former principal.青少年时期,李安就读于父亲知名的台南一中(其父曾任该校校长),但却连续两次高考失利。

6.This is all fine and dandy, but you run into a problem when you are invited to a prestigious conference to give a presentation.这样简直是太完美了,但是当您被邀请到一个很有威望的会议去演讲时您却陷进了一个问题。

7.Indeed, there's no denying that I got very, very lucky to land such a prestigious internship at such an early age.不可否认,在这么年轻的年纪获得了如此有名望的实习机会,我的确是非常非常的幸运。

8.I advised him to come here with a sense of calm, because this is a very serious club, among the most prestigious in the world.我建议他来尤文而且要保持冷静,因为这是一家非常严肃的俱乐部,是世界上最伟大的球会之一。

9.Since 1981, over hundred milpon square feet of Heat Mirror insulating glass have been used on prestigious buildings all over the world.自1981年起,全球已经有超过一千万平方米的热镜中空玻璃被使用在世界各大著名建筑物上。

10.Despite his brilpance, background, and credentials, he did not get a prestigious academic post.尽管他才华横溢,有背景有学历,却找不到一个像样的学术职位。