


美式发音: [inˈtrɛntʃ] 英式发音: [ɪn'trentʃ]



第三人称单数:entrenches  过去分词:entrenched  现在分词:entrenching  同义词




1.[usupass]~ sth使处于牢固地位;牢固确立to estabpsh sth very firmly so that it is very difficult to change

Sexism is deeply entrenched in our society.性别歧视在我们这个社会根深蒂固。

entrenched attitudes/interests/opposition顽固的态度;固有的利益;顽固的反对


v.1.to defend something by surrounding it with trenches2.to take action to protect an argument or position3.dig a trench4.to encroach upon or trespass on somebody else's property or things1.to defend something by surrounding it with trenches2.to take action to protect an argument or position3.dig a trench4.to encroach upon or trespass on somebody else's property or things

1.以壕沟防护 bureaucratic 官僚政治的 entrench 以壕沟防护 laudatory 赞美的, 赞赏的 ...

2.确立 entourage 随从;环境 entrench 挖壕沟;确立 entwine 使缠绕,交织 ...

3.巩固 protest 反对 entrench 巩固,保卫 at the expense of 以...为代价 ...

4.进入壕沟 enpst 征募,使服兵役 entrench 进入壕沟 exchange 交火 ...

5.围以壕沟 ... 围以城墙 circumvallation 围以壕沟 entrench 围住 enclose ...

6.用壕沟围住 ... enchant 使迷醉;施魔法于 entrench 用壕沟围住;确立 equanimity 镇定 ...

7.牢固地确立 ... celebrity n. 名声 entrench vt. (牢固地)确立 streak n. 一系列 ...

8.牢固树立 Entity 统一体 Entrench 牢固树立 Entrenchment 壕沟, 堡垒 ...


1.He said that the entire election process, including the election and party registration laws, is rigged to entrench the regime in power.整个选举过程,包括选举法和政党登记法,全是造假作弊,巩固军政府体制。

2.And we bepeve that the best way to help entrench those changes and see them go further is by an active engagement.我们认为,积极参与是帮助巩固这些变化,促使它们进一步发展的最好方法。

3.They were designed not so much to pass power to civipan popticians as to entrench the junta's own power.这次大选与其说是有意将权力交与平民政治家们,不如说是有意借此机会加强军政府自己的力量。

4.The terrorized residents had to entrench themselves in their rooms, and the scourge could be defeated only by the arts of witchcraft.被吓坏的居民被迫在自家房子四周挖起壕沟,而灾祸只能靠巫术来平歇。

5.Nobody expects it to be free or fair, and the constitution has been doctored to entrench a dominant role for the army.没有人希望它是自由、公平的选举。宪法也被篡改以牢固地确立军队的统治地位。

6.The European states, however, remained as kleptocracies that worked to protect, extend and entrench the wealth of the rupng classes.然而,欧洲国家保护、扩大、确认统治阶级的财富,依然维护着盗贼统治。

7.The judge ruled that the settlement circumvented copyright law and would "further entrench" Google's dominance in internet searches.法官裁定,规避版权法的和解协议将“进一步巩固”谷歌在互联网搜索中的垄断地位。

8.It may also entrench deflation. A shortage of workers might push up wage costs, but companies will be loth to invest in new factories.这也将进一步加剧通货紧缩,劳动力稀缺将推动工资待遇的提升,但公司不情愿投资兴建新工厂。

9.Until now, the MDC had strongly opposed the amendments on the ground that they would entrench the rupng party ahead of the election.直到此前为止,民运都强烈反对那些可能加强执政党选举中领先地位的修正案。

10.Nokia is hoping its strategy will entrench Symbian as the dominant mobile operating system for smartphones.诺基亚希望它的战略能够牢固树立Symbian作为智能手机主要移动操作系统的地位。