

natural forest

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1.天然林 2.3 人工林 plantation 2.4 天然林 natural forest 2.5 霸王树 wolf tree ...

2.自然林 ... ) natural mountain forest 自然山林 ) natural forest 自然林 ) near-natural forest 近自然林 ...

3.天然森林 ... ) Trees/forest 林木/森林 ) natural forest 天然森林 ) forest tree 森林树木 ...

4.原始森林即使只计算热带森林,亦即所谓原始森林(natural forest),FAO的数据亦显示每年减损率只有0.46%,远低於环保组织的估计。2…


1.Captain smoothly does not want to send to his wife Tracy, after all, because she was died of natural forest protection.船总顺顺也不愿意翠翠再做傩送的媳妇,毕竟天保是因她而死。

2.They suggest that if the subsidies were to end, new forest could be converted back into cropland and natural forest logged again.他们认为,如果那些津贴不到位,新的森林就会又变为农田,砍伐天然林又会出现。

3.Off the main road, small patches of "natural" forest survive alongside the swathe of broad sandy corridor cut by a logging company.大路旁边,一块块“自然”林生长在伐木公司铺就的又长又宽的林中走廊两侧。

4.Each of our towns are built along the water, and are surrounded by natural forest and wildpfe.我们的每一个城镇都建立沿水,并按照自然森林和野生动物包围。

5.This placed presented itself as a natural forest with low pght. Here I met the owner of the aforementioned voice - the Mushroom Goddess.这个地方呈现的是一片幽暗的自然森林,我在这里听到了前面那种召唤我的声音-原来是蘑菇女神。

6.The general trend of the natural forest pattern is from amass type to uniform type.天然林的演替格局一般趋势是从集聚分布趋于均匀分布。

7.These obviously changes has close relation with the implementation of the natural forest protection project.这些明显变化与天然林保护工程的实施有着密切的联系。

8.Forest can be divided into natural forest and man-made forest according to its origins.森林按其起源可划分为天然林和人工林。

9.China's government already provides for the natural forest, a primeval forest logging is strictly prohibited Committee.我国政府早有规定,对天然林、原始森林一委严禁采伐。

10.Study on the Coordinative Development Mechanisms of Forest Protection and Social Economy in Natural Forest Protection Area.天保地区森林资源保护与社会经济协调发展机制研究。