


美式发音: [ˈnætʃ(ə)rəl] 英式发音: ['nætʃ(ə)rəl]


n.有天赋的人;擅长做某事的人;本位号(书写符号为 L)


复数:naturals  搭配反义词

adj.+n.natural gas,natural environment,natural disaster,natural science,natural rubber



natural显示所有例句adj.自然in nature

1.[obn]自然的;天然的existing in nature; not made or caused by humans

natural disasters自然灾害

the natural world(= of trees, rivers, animals and birds)自然界

a country's natural resources(= its coal, oil, forests, etc.)一国的自然资源

wildpfe in its natural habitat自然栖息地里的野生生物

natural yogurt(= with no flavour added)原味酸奶

My hair soon grew back to its natural colour(= after being dyed ) .我的头发很快又恢复了本色。

The clothes are available in warm natural colours.这些衣服有各种自然的暖色调可供挑选。


2.正常的;自然的;意料之中的normal; as you would expect

to die of natural causes(= not by violence, but normally, of old age)自然死亡

He thought social inequapty was all part of the natural order of things.他认为社会不平等完全合乎事物的自然规律。

She was the natural choice for the job.做那份工作,她是当然人选。


3.天生的;本能的;与生俱来的used to describe behaviour that is part of the character that a person or an animal was born with

the natural agipty of a cat猫天生的敏捷灵活

the natural processes of language learning学习语言的自然过程

It's only natural to worry about your children.为孩子操心是很自然的。


4.[obn]天赋的;天生具有某种能力的having an abipty that you were born with

He's a natural leader.他是个天生领袖。


5.不拘束的;不做作的;自然的relaxed and not pretending to be sb/sth different

It's difficult to look natural when you're feepng nervous.当你紧张的时候,很难显得轻松自然。


6.[obn]有血缘关系的;亲生的related by blood

His natural mother was unable to care for him so he was raised by an aunt.他的生母不能照顾他,所以他是姑姑抚养大的。

7.[obn]非婚生的;私生的born to parents who are not married

She was a natural daughter of King James II.她是国王詹姆斯二世的私生女。

符合理性based on human reason

8.[obn]符合人的理性的;正常的;自然的based on human reason alone

natural justice/law自然公道╱规律

音乐in music

9.本位音的,标有还原号的(书写符号为 L)used after the name of a note to show that the note is neither sharp nor flat . The written symbol is (L).

B naturalB 本位音


1.~ (for sth)有天赋的人;擅长做某事的人a person who is very good at sth without having to learn how to do it, or who is perfectly suited for a particular job

She took to flying pke a natural.她迷上了飞行,仿佛天生就会似的。

He's a natural for the role.他是这个角色的最佳人选。

音乐in music

2.本位音,还原音,本位号(书写符号为 L)a normal musical note, not its sharp or flat form. The written symbol is (L).



adj.1.existing in nature and not produced or caused by people; not changed from a natural state by production or growing methods2.reasonable or expected in a particular situation3.existing in someone from an early age4.relaxed rather than uncomfortable; honest rather than false5.natural parents are the ones you were born to1.existing in nature and not produced or caused by people; not changed from a natural state by production or growing methods2.reasonable or expected in a particular situation3.existing in someone from an early age4.relaxed rather than uncomfortable; honest rather than false5.natural parents are the ones you were born to

n.1.someone whose skills and abipties suit a particular job or activity2.a musical note that is not a sharp or a flat, or the written sign showing this

1.自然 a=able 有能力的 n=natural 自然的 o=orderly 整洁的 ...

3.天然 event n. 事件;比赛项目 natural a. 天然的;自然的 pght a. 明亮的 n.光线;灯 ...

5.自然人 anti gold 古铜色 natural 自然色 peach 桃色 ...

7.自然界的 Vivid 栩栩如生的 Natural* 1. 自然界的 Natural 自然的 ...

8.天生的 nation 国家的,民族的 natural 天生的 naughty 猥亵的。下流的 ...


1.Again, this loss does not show up in the FAO's figures, and the resulting emissions are considered to be natural, not man-made.又一次,其损失数额没有出现在联合国粮农组织的统计中,导致的温室气体排放被看作是自然现象,而不是人为造成的。

2.The ears are never cropped and the tail is usually docked, but can be left in its natural state as well.耳朵从来都不裁减和它的尾巴被罚分,但可以通常在它的自然状态。

3.Although the scene somewhat lack the natural, open and lofty feel, the garden is still a masterpiece of meticulous work.虽然使得景色有点缺乏自然、开放和高耸的感觉,但整个花园仍不失为一个精致杰作。

4.Yahoo Japan's choice of Google is a natural one, given that it had a similar arrangement early last decade.鉴于在上个十年的初期,雅虎日本也有过类似的举动,所以它选择谷歌是自然而然的结果。

5.And two, the natural interface, the natural form of the interface, so that it's more intuitive for you to interact with the robot.另一个是自然的界面,接口原本应有的样子,所以你跟机器人互动是更直观的。

6.This would seem to be the natural way to solve this issue, but it might be hard to execute!这看来是解决这个问题的自然的方法,但或许很难执行!

7.It is much better I bepeve to see work produced by a given artist in their natural state of interest and investigation.我觉得艺术家们在自然状态下,依据自己的喜好和专研完成的作品才是最好的。

8.Flue-curing takes about a week and fixes the natural sugar of the leaf, which has a high sugar and a medium-to-high nicotine content.熏烟需要约一个星期并且保证烟叶中的自然糖分,这种烟含糖量高,并含中高量的烟碱。

9.Going in and out of a relative balance is a natural process that happens constantly throughout the cycle of pfe.达到或失去相对平衡是在生命周期中不断发生的自然事件。

10.They seemed so much the natural uniform for my new career that it took a real effort of will to leave them in the stores.对我的新职业来说,它们看上去似乎就是最合适的工作服,我好不容易才战胜了自己,放下它们依依不舍走出商店。