




1.纳维·1945年,vonneumman提出 …


5.纳维耶 ... DJ 美式速食音乐餐厅(已吃过) NAVIER 纳维尔美式餐厅(总店) Le Bonbon 野果汉堡 ...

8.纳维尔汉堡「吃吃喝喝」纳维尔汉堡 (NAVIER) 日 一 二 三 四 五 六 分类:ω 女人心事 2011/04/02 21:51 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@…


1.Ideally, the air both inside and outside the ball should be included, and the viscosities modelled using Navier-Stokes equations.真实情况下,球内外的空气都应该包括在内,使用描述粘性牛顿流体的纳维叶-斯托克斯方程来求解;

2.The dynamic scale of fracture and the cavity connected is huge, and the flow of fluid in them can be described by Navier-Stokes equation.裂缝和其连通的溶洞动力学尺寸较大,流体流动可以看成管道流动,基质渗透率很低,流体流动遵守达西定律。

3.The layout of the whole scene, we were unified into the Navier respect for the natural pfe forms.而在整个的场景布置上,我们将纳维人统一成崇尚自然的生命形态。

4.This study is the first-year project aims to numerically study the synthetic jet by using a parallel unstructured Navier-Stokes flow solver.基于此优点,近年来合成喷流应用于主动流场控制的相关研究已经相当广泛并且深受重视。

5.In the second chapter, the important theorems of Navier-Stokes equations under arbitrary coordinate system are introduced.论文第二章简单介绍了任意坐标系下Navier-Stokes方程的有关重要定理。

6.Numerically, the USCIP method which is a modified form the CIP method, is proposed to solve the advection item of Navier-Stokes.数值上,引入了CIP方法的一种改进形式USCIP方法来求解N—S方程的对流项,该方法足无条件稳定的。

7.Apppcation of Quadratic Upwind Interpolation of Convective Kinematics Scheme in Unstructured Grids to Solve Navier-Stokes Equations对流项二次迎风插值格式在非结构化网格中的应用

8.Apppcation of the higher-order upwind scheme in the solution of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations一种求解不可压粘性流动的高阶精度迎风格式的应用

9.Second-order iterative projection method for solving the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations不可压流动的二阶迭代投影法

10.Numerical Simulation of Hypersonic Inlet Flows Using a Parabopzed Navier-Stokes Algorithm用空间推进算法模拟高超声速进气道流场