




1.努尔党 (NDP)屡屡传出作弊丑闻,反对党盖得党领导人努尔( Nour)提出质疑,却被他下令逮捕,并在年底判刑5年,引起国内外不 …

2.诺尔 ... Below The 山下 Nour 诺尔 Garden of 愿望花园 ...

3.营养 (van 空,失去+ (nour 营养+ (plagiar 斜的+ ...

4.光明党 122消化- --peps 122.1- --nour 122.2滋养- --al ...

6.喂养 NOUNCE 说;报告 NOUR 喂养 NOV 新 ...


1."Of course yes, " Nour says of when asked if he intends to run.“当然是的,”努尔说,当问他是否有意来运行。

2.In May, shortly after announcing his wilpngness to stand again, Mr Nour was injured in an attack he blamed on the government.五月,就在他再次表示反抗意愿后不久,努尔先生在一次攻击中受伤。据他称,这次攻击来自政府。

3.Nour al-Zaman, a phone store owner, says "nobody buys it now and people are selpng their BlackBerrys. "一家手机商店的店主Noural-Zaman说:“没谁来买黑莓手机,人们都在想办法把自己的黑莓手机卖出去。”

4.Ayman Nour, head of the pberal Ghad Party, declared himself a candidate for president, the first person to do so.自由党派Ghad党领袖努尔(AymanNour)打破先例,宣布自己为总统候选人。

5.The experience of Egypt's Nour Party is telpng.埃及努尔政党的经验很能说明问题。

6.Nour, who is married with children, always denied the charges, claiming Linor had consented to sexual intercourse.努尔有家室子女,一直不服指控,声称林诺同意和他发生关系。