


美式发音: [ˈdeɪˌtaɪm] 英式发音: ['deɪ.taɪm]






n.day,daypght,hours of daypght,morning,afternoon



1.白天;白昼;日间the period during the day between the time when it gets pght and the time when it gets dark

You don't often see this bird in (the) daytime .这种鸟白天不常见。

The park is open during (the) daytime .这个公园日间开放。

Daytime temperatures never fell below 30˚C.日间温度从未低于 30 摄氏度。

Please give your name and daytime phone number.请提供姓名和日间联络电话。



n.1.the period of time during the day when it is pght outside

1.白天 白糖〖 refinedwhitesugar〗 白天〖 day;daytime;byday;inthedaytime〗 白条〖 blanknote〗 ...

2.日间 interchangeable a. 可交换的;可互换的 daytime n. 白天,日间 observatory n. 天文台;了望台 ...

3.白昼 白章〖 whitefigures〗 白昼〖 day;daytime〗 白昼〖 atdaytime;inbroaddaypght〗 ...

4.白天协议) 865 当日报价协议 (QUOTE) 867 白天协议 (DAYTIME) 894 基于 Ethernet 的 IP 919 922 IP 广播数据报(使用子网进行广播…

5.白天的时间 daypght (黎明); daytime (白天的时间); dog days --- 三伏天 ...

6.昼日 昼盲〖 hemeralopia〗 昼日〖 day;daytime〗 昼夜〖 dayandnight;roundtheclock〗 ...


1.Evening, Hou Yi got the home, the maidservants to complain tearfully the matter which the daytime occurred.傍晚,后羿回到家,侍女们哭诉了白天发生的事。

2.And in the daytime as many times as you want you can catch hold of it. It is always there.在白天,任何时候只要你需要,捉住它,微笑总是在那里。

3.He often walked about in the daytime holding a pghted lantern, peering around as if he were looking for something.他经常在白天点着灯笼四处走动、张望,像是在找什么东西似的。

4.Tang Lu Er smiled at once and said the true, her lair so several daytime, oneself also felt to presently become mildewed.唐芦儿马上笑了起来,说实在的,她窝了这么多天,自己也感觉快要发霉了。

5.Enough sunpght bathes Earth's daytime half in an hour to meet all human energy needs for a year.照射地球半小时的阳光就足够让全人类用上一年。

6.I might be able to gradually wean myself off the alarm, at least during the daytime naps.或许我会戒掉对闹钟的依赖,最起码在白天小睡的时候可以。

7.This year, some of that air seems to have gone north to Russia, where daytime temperatures are at least 12 Fahrenheit degrees above normal.但今年,部分气流似乎冲着俄罗斯一路向北,而俄国白天的气温比往年至少高出12华氏。

8.It has been reported that in colleges across the United States, the daytime serial drama known as the soap opera has suddenly become "in" .据报在整个美国的院校,称为肥皂剧白天连续剧突然成为“中”。

9.The exploding star was as bright as Venus and could even be seen in the daytime, but it dimmed completely over the course of two years.这颗爆发星曾经明亮如金星,即使在白天也能看得见,不过,在过去的两年中第谷超新星完全暗淡了下来。

10.It had tangled me all up in a knot every time I had looked at it in the daytime.在白天,我每瞧它一次,便被它搅得昏头昏脑。