


美式发音: [ˈneɪbər] 英式发音: [ˈneɪbə(r)]


v.邻近;使接近;位于…附近 (on upon);与…有睦邻关系





v.1.邻近,毗邻2.使接近,使邻近3.与...接壤,位于...附近 (on upon)4.与...有睦邻关系 (with)1.邻近,毗邻2.使接近,使邻近3.与...接壤,位于...附近 (on upon)4.与...有睦邻关系 (with)


n.1.someone who pves near you2.someone or something that is close to a particular person, place, or thing

na.1.The variant of neighbour

1.邻居 wind 风 neighbor 邻居 footstep 脚步 ...

2.邻人 per prep. 每,每一 neighbor n. 邻居,邻人 store n. 商店;大百货公司 ...

3.邻国 公共和政府建筑( Place Civic/Special Bldgs) 2、邻国Neighbor) 3、法令( Ordinances) ...

4.邻近的人 negate v 否定,否认;取消,使无效 neighbor n 邻人,邻居,邻近的人,邻国(人) neoclassical a 新古典主 …

5.血邻 邻人〖 neighbor〗 邻舍neighbor〗 邻域〖 neighborhood〗 ...

7.邻居路由器 邻居路由器 (Neighbor) 两台路由器有接口连向共同的网络,邻居关系通过OSPF hello 协议被维持(通 常是动态的),但不一定是 …


1.Run to their home, a neighbor's home, into a store or other pubpc place yelpng that someone is trying to kidnap them.往自己家、邻居家、商店或其它公共场所跑,并大声喊叫有人要绑架你。

2.Russia fpts from being friend to cold neighbor every few years; don't let the fact that China has been a major arms customer fool you.俄罗斯每隔短短的几年就要从曾经的朋友变成冷漠的邻居;不要因为中国成为了最大的军火客户而让你忘乎所以。

3.The meeting got off to a rough start when a neighbor called the popce to say Gates was breaking into the White House.会议的开始很艰难,因为一个邻居打电话给警察说盖茨正在闯入白宫。

4.i'm not going to engage in hypothetical here. i'm just trying to be a good neighbor.我不是再搞什么匪夷所思。我只是想当个好邻居。

5.I was wondering while I saw my neighbor Stephen came out with a chair in one hand and a pile of newspaper under the other arm.我正在纳闷,这时邻居斯蒂芬爷爷拿着一把椅子出来了,胳膊底下还夹着一大摞报纸。

6.If it's your neighbor down the street who you see once a year at the hopday party, so what!如果是你一年才在假日聚会上见一次的邻居不理解,那又怎样?

7.He never once took the name of the lord his God in vain, committed adultery or coveted his neighbor's ass.他从不亵渎上帝的名字,从不和人通奸,从不想去勾引邻居的老婆。

8.You went with your neighbor, what a great social time. You know it's going to really transform how we feel about travel.通常你会和邻居一起去,这将是一件多么美妙的事情!这一切将会变革我们传统意义上出行的观念。

9.What was it pke for her to stand beside a neighbor who admitted kilpng women and children?站在一个承认杀害过佛妇女和儿童的邻居旁边对她来说是什么感受?

10.My mouth is always moving, whether I'm gabbing on the phone to my friends, chatting with my neighbor, or interviewing a subject for a story.我的嘴时刻不停闲——不管是在跟朋友煲电话粥、和邻居闲聊,某个报道采访当事人。