


美式发音: [ʌlˈtiːərɪər(r)] 英式发音: 




Adj.+n.ulterior motive





1.隐秘的;不可告人的;秘密的;矢口否认的that sb keeps hidden and does not admit

She must have some ulterior motive for being nice to me─what does she really want?她对我这么好,一定别有用心。她到底想干什么呢?


adj.1.happening or expected in the future2.existing in addition to, or being other than, what is apparent or assumed

1.秘而不宣的 )。flexible 有弹性的,柔韧的; )。ulterior 隐蔽的,秘而不宣的; )。pathetic 引起怜悯的,可怜的; ...

2.将来的 bombardment 冲击 ulterior 较远的,将来的 predecessor 前辈,前任 ...

3.别有用心的 trial n. 麻烦;痛苦 ulterior a. 别有用心的 unnecessary a. 不必要的 ...

4.不可告人的 ulcerate v. 溃烂,生恶疮 ulterior adj. 较晚的,较远的,不可告人的 ultimate adj. 最后的,最终的 ...

5.隐蔽的 )。flexible 有弹性的,柔韧的; )。ulterior 隐蔽的,秘而不宣的; )。pathetic 引起怜悯的,可怜的; ...

6.隐秘的 tyro n. 初学者;新手 ulterior adj. 隐秘的 vapid adj. 无味的;无趣的 ...

7.隐藏的 usurp 篡夺,篡位 ulterior 未言明的,隐藏的 ultimate 最后的,最终的 ...


1.The family was looking at me gingerly, as if my long stare at the table had exposed my ulterior motive to them.一家人的目光小心翼翼,或许是他们觉察到我不怀好意地盯了餐桌很久。

2."Almost all the initiatives related to startups you see in the Phipppines are in fact driven by a selfish ulterior motive, " he said.你在菲律宾看到的几乎所有与创业搭上边的,实际上都是由内心私利引发的。

3.Refusing on the basis that they must have some evil ulterior motive might be safer, but you might miss out on a great new friend.或许拒绝会来得更为安全——出于认为他们一定是别有用心的理由,但你也有可能为此错过一个非常了不起的新伙伴。

4.A man with a great sense of justice seeks justice, And he seeks it out of an ulterior motive.有大正义的人,是在追求正义,而且其正义是为了实现某种目的。

5.So when I tell you about a pair of earrings that would go perfectly with that sweater, I might have an ulterior motive.所以如果我对你说那副耳环非常搭配你的那件毛衣,我其实是别有用心的。

6.Similarly, as a result of the act itself is usually hidden motive and had an ulterior motive, so you may be using friends, play down.同样的情况下,由于本身的行事动机通常隐密而别具用心,所以你可能会被朋友利用、贬低。

7.Attempt to deify the man known as the great man who should be the ulterior motives of the person or people with some kind of complex.企图把人称为伟人神化的人应该是别有用心之人或者有着某种情结的人。

8.A man of great benevolence seeks benevolence, And he does not seek it out of an ulterior motive.有大仁爱的人,是在追求仁爱,却不是刻意实现某种目的。

9.He was suspected of having ulterior motives for making his generous offer, but in fact his offer was from the bottom of his heart.他的慷慨奉献被怀疑是有隐秘不明的动机,但是事实上他是出自内心的。

10."What you mentioned is purely fictitious and has an ulterior motive, " he said.他说:“你所提到的完全是假想的,动机不明。”