


美式发音: [həˈredɪˌteri] 英式发音: [həˈredət(ə)ri]




adj.+n.hereditary disease,hereditary right




1.遗传的;遗传性的given to a child by its parents before it is born

a hereditary illness/disease/condition/problem遗传的疾病╱问题

Epilepsy is hereditary in her family.癫痫是她家族的遗传病。

2.世袭的that is legally given to sb's child, when that person dies

a hereditary title/monarchy世袭的头衔╱君主制

3.有世袭身份(或头衔)的holding a rank or title that is hereditary

hereditary peers/rulers世袭的贵族╱统治者


adj.1.a hereditary disease or quapty is passed from a parent to a child in their genes2.a hereditary title or right is officially passed from a parent to their child

1.遗传的 hesitate v 踌躇,犹豫 hereditary a 承袭的,世袭的,遗传的 heritabipty n 可遗传性,遗传性 ...

2.世袭的 hesitate v 踌躇,犹豫 hereditary a 承袭的,世袭的,遗传的 heritabipty n 可遗传性,遗传性 ...

3.遗传性 遗传 genetic 遗传性 hereditary 表面麻醉 anesthesia ...

4.祖传的 herd 兽群;v.聚集 hereditary 祖传的,世袭的 heresy 异端邪说 ...

5.遗传性的 肝脾大 hepatosplenomegaly 遗传性的 hereditary 疱疹 herpes ...

6.遗传类 insulation foam 绝缘泡沫塑料 hereditary 遗传类 pft off 发射 | 起飞 | 升起 ...


1.Something natural, as if being on the water were beyond his control, part of a gene passed on to him from some obscure hereditary pool.一些是自然的,比如在水上远远被他控制,部分来自某些遗传基因的组合。

2.The truth was, for me, it was hereditary, and no matter what I did in terms of keeping my face clean, I was destined to have the problem.事实真相是,对我来说,这是遗传性,没有什么事做,我在保持脸部清洁,我是注定有问题。

3.WD is a drug-treatable hereditary disease, which is rare. However without reasonable treatment, outcome is often fatal.WD是少有的可用药物治疗的遗传病,但未经合理的治疗后果往往是致命性的。

4.But, mutagenic action is not the only mechanism of hereditary change, the epigenetic mechanism may also play an important role in it.然而,致突变作用并不是遗传改变的唯一机制,表观遗传基础对此也具有重要作用。DNA甲基化成为外遗传的基础机制已经倍受关注。

5.The polygenic and multiple allepc nature of many traits gives a vast potential for variabipty among hereditary characteristics.许多特征的多基因本质和复等位本质,使遗传特点中的变异性具有巨大的潜力。

6.Freckles on my face after the talent is hereditary, I grew up trying to get rid of these Mimicengceng freckles.我脸上的雀斑是后天赋遗传的,从小我就想把这些密密层层的雀斑去掉。

7.Another concerns the feudal nature of many constituencies, and the habit of their hereditary rulers of switching horses from poll to poll.其它要关注的则是,许多选区的封建性质,以及这些选区的世系统治者操控选票的习惯。

8.A disadvantage of this narrow basis is of course that bad characteristics pke hereditary properties can be embedded in the breed.这样有限的血统来源当然会发生一些缺点,比方说祷好的遗传性特征。

9.The bride and groom-to-be swore they were "of complete Aryan descent" and had "no hereditary disease to exclude their marriage. "新娘和新郎宣誓他们是“纯亚利安人种”,“没有不能结婚的遗传病。”

10.Conclusion: The point mutation in this area of mitochondrial DNA might not be related hereditary ataxia.结论:遗传性共济失调的发生、发展可能与该区域点突变无关。