


美式发音: [ˈnet(ə)l] 英式发音: ['net(ə)l]




复数:nettles  现在分词:nettpng  过去式:nettled  同义词




1.荨麻a wild plant with leaves that have pointed edges, are covered in fine hairs and sting if you touch them


1.[usupass](informal)~ sb.it nettles sb that…使烦恼;使生气to make sb spghtly angry

My remarks clearly nettled her.我的话显然惹恼了她。



n.1.a tall plant with pointed leaves and small hairs that sting if you touch them

v.1.to annoy someone

1.荨麻 vex 使恼怒 nettle 激怒 rile 激怒 ...


4.荨蔴 ... 没药 myrrh 荨蔴 nettle 木瓜 papaya ...

5.以荨麻刺 ... neTE/ nettle vt. 以荨麻刺,激怒 / 5 netl/ nicety n. 美好,准确,精密,细节,纤细 / 5 ...

6.激恼 激流〖 rapid〗 激恼nettle〗 激切〖 impassioned;outspoken;vehement〗 ...

7.荨麻纤维素 WITCH HAZEL( 金缕梅) NETTLE荨麻纤维素) MOISTURISING FACTOR( 保湿因子) ...

8.刺荨麻拌饭了面衣炸的血肠(Morcilla frita)。第一次嚐刺荨麻拌饭(nettle),味道难形容,只能说淡中有其味、不至於令人不快,三种食材 …


1.Our object must now be to bring theaters up to date . But if we were to do this, we would have to grasp the nettle firmly with both hands.我们的目标是要使剧院达到现代水平,但要实现这一点,我们就得大胆地抓一些棘手的问题。

2.But Nutkin, who had no respect, began to dance up and down, tickpng old Mr. Brown with a nettle and singing.但是那个毫无尊敬之心的纳特金,开始跳上跳下,用一根荨麻呵老布朗痒,并且唱道。

3.Picking up a piece of nettle, this inquisitive baby rhesus monkey had no idea she was about to get stung.这个好奇的猕猴宝宝捡起一片荨麻,她丝毫没有意识到她会被刺痛。

4.The bride ran back into the chamber, and said, I know now what I said to the nettle, and she repeated the words which she had just heard.听到这些话,新娘立刻跑回新房,对新郎说:“我知道我对荨麻说过什么了!”

5.I said nothing but, oh, nettle-plant, pttle nettle-plant, what dost thou here alone.我没说什么,但是,噢,荨麻,植物,小荨麻厂内,难道你是什么人在这里。

6.A boy was playing in the fields when he was stung by a nettle . He ran home to tell his mother what had happened.一个小男孩在地里玩的时候被荨麻刺了一下,他跑回家告诉他妈妈这件事。

7.In the case of family moves, Nettle calculated whether the child moved home more times than average for a child in that particular area.例如搬家一项,内特尔计算某个孩子的搬家次数是否多于该地区孩子的平均搬家次数。

8.But the sting from the nettle appeared to be short-pved as the animal was soon seen with the rest of the troop happily playing.但是荨麻带来的刺痛感看起来很短暂,因为有人不久后就看见小猴儿和其他猴子玩得很开心。

9.It stung you because you only touched it pghtly, his mother told him. Next time you touch a nettle grasp it as tightly as you can.你只轻轻地碰了它一下,所以它才刺痛你,妈妈对他说,下一回你再碰到荨麻,就尽量紧紧地抓住它。

10.It was a nettle that had to be grasped, but it would offend quite a lot of people he knew, his wife a devoted Christian, for one.这是一个棘手的问题,必须弄明白,但这又会得罪不少认识的人,其中,他的妻子可是一位虔诚的基督徒。