




1.网络资本pital)(Kale et al.,2000)、网路资源(network capital)(Gulati,1999)或 是从『镶嵌性』(embeddedness)角度探讨组织之间 关系 (U…

3.网络资产性的连系关系。这种连系关系提供网络资产(network capital),透过人际之间的连


1.The horizontal upgrading is from quasi-hierarchy cluster to network cluster, constructing horizontal-vertical cluster network capital.横向升级是从准等级型集群升级为网络型集群,倚重于横纵交叉网络资本的构建。

2.The vertical upgrading is from arm's-length market cluster to quasi-hierarchy cluster, constructing vertical cluster network capital.其中,纵向升级是从短距离市场型集群升级为准等级型集群,倚重于纵向集群网络资本的重塑。

3.A Theoretical Model of Evolutionary Mechanism of MNC Subsidiary Roles: from the Angle of Subsidiary Network Capital跨国公司子公司角色演化机制理论模型——子公司网络资本的分析视角

4.Investment and combination of network, capital operation of network网络投资并购和资本运营

5.Analysis of Scale Allocation of Hi-tech Start-up Enterprises'Start-up Social Network Capital高科技企业创业社会网络资本规模配比分析

6.An Analysis and Reflections on Innovative Network Capital of Sipcon Valley对硅谷创新型网络资本的剖析与思考

7.Network capital: the core competence of Sipcon Valley Clusters网络资本:硅谷群发展的核心能力

8.An Analysis of the Innovative Network Capital System of the Sipcon Valley对硅谷创新型网络资本系统的剖析与思考

9.A Foundational Analysis on the Entrepreneurs'Social Network Capital企业家社会网络资本的作用分析