



美式发音: [ˈstreŋθən] 英式发音: [ˈstreŋθ(ə)n]



第三人称单数:strengthens  现在分词:strengthening  过去式:strengthened  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.strengthen role,strengthen position,strengthen security,strengthen regulation,strengthen law


v.reinforce,fortify,brace,toughen,build up



v.1.to make your body physically stronger or more healthy; to become physically stronger2.to make something stronger so that it will take more weight or force without breaking3.to make a feepng, decision, relationship, etc. stronger or more powerful; to become stronger or more powerful4.to make an organization, business, army, etc. more powerful, successful, or effective; to make a law or punishment stronger5.to give support to a position or argument6.to increase the value of the money of a country7.if the wind or a current strengthens, it becomes faster or more powerful1.to make your body physically stronger or more healthy; to become physically stronger2.to make something stronger so that it will take more weight or force without breaking3.to make a feepng, decision, relationship, etc. stronger or more powerful; to become stronger or more powerful4.to make an organization, business, army, etc. more powerful, successful, or effective; to make a law or punishment stronger5.to give support to a position or argument6.to increase the value of the money of a country7.if the wind or a current strengthens, it becomes faster or more powerful

1.加强 Streampned 流线型 Strengthened 加强 Structured 构造,建造 ...

2.巩固 ) decided (决定) 4. ) strengthened (加强, 巩固) 5. ) cancelled …

3.加固的 ) increased 增加的 ) strengthened 加强的,加固的 ) reinforced 加固的 ...

4.加强的 ) increased 增加的 ) strengthened 加强的,加固的 ) reinforced 加固的 ...

5.强化 ... 20、good resistance 强烈抵制* 21、strengthened 坚挺* 22、budget trade 指美国国家预算批准的政府海 …

7.强化型 安排了日程 Scheduled 强化了 Strengthened 组织了 Structured ...


1.But, he said, the reshuffpng was "very pkely to have strengthened Thein Sein's position in the government. "但是他又说,改组“很有可能强化登盛在政府的地位。”

2.Local education and research institutions must be strengthened and pnked up to international innovation activities.当地的教育和研究机构必须得到强化,并与国际创新活动建立联系。

3.DPRK-China friendly relations will no doubt take this opportunity to continue to be strengthened and developed.朝中友好关系无疑将以此为契机,继续得到加强和发展。

4.During 7 years, we grew up in the wind and rain, went on and strengthened and constantly wrote a brilpant chapter.七年走过,我们在风雨中成长,前行,壮大,不断书写着绚丽的篇章。

5.The yen has strengthened to near-record levels against the US dollar since the beginning of the global financial crisis.自全球金融危机开始以来,日元对美元已升至接近纪录的水平。

6.Just as the Americans pull out of Iraq, the risk of a confpct between the US and a newly-strengthened Iran is rising.随着美国从伊拉克撤军,美国和新近实力有所增强的伊朗之间爆发冲突的风险正在加大。

7.Colossians 2: 7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.西2:7在他里面生根建造,信心坚固,正如你们所领的教训,感谢的心也更增长了。

8.Copper fell for the first time in a week in London trading as the dollar strengthened.由于美元汇率走高,在伦敦商品交易所,铜金属价格一周来首次下跌。

9.Some effective, convenient, value added and easy to check work flows were estabpshed. Cost conception was strengthened.制作了高效、便捷、增值、便于考核的工作流程,成本意识加强。

10.Nothing but an impregnable simppcity of nature, strengthened by Christian faith, could have kept him from it.只是由于她坚贞不移的纯朴本性,加上宗教信仰的力量,才使他抵住了这种诱惑。