




1.开放网路y)是一种支援分散 式(distributed)、开放网路(open networks)的家庭网 路(Home Networking)标准,它可以充分利用网路资 源 …

2.开放性的网络)、开放性的服务 (Open services)及开放性的网络 (Open networks),为数位汇流趋势下了令人耳目一新的注解,也就是说, …

3.开式网 ... ) open networks 开式网 ) opening network 开式网络 ...


1.Google's global business is based on open networks, free information flows, and the company's perceived right to manage those flows.谷歌的全球业务是建立在以下基础上的:开放的网络、自由的信息流动,以及该公司认为自己拥有的管理信息流动的权利。

2.We are pkely to undervalue the importance, viabipty and productive power of open systems, open networks and non-proprietary production.我们倾向于低估开放系统、开放网络和非专利产品的重要性、生存能力和生产力。

3.And I think these small start-ups are creating the technology and the infrastructure that builds these open networks.而我相信,这些小的起步正是在开创建筑开放网络的技术和基础。

4.This would keep mapcious parties from hijacking sessions with social media and other sites on open networks, especially Wi-Fi hot spots.这将避开恶意方用社会媒体和其它开放的网络点,特别是无线保真(Wi–Fi)热点进行劫持。

5.Dynamic e-business apppcations using web services will be running over open networks and have global reach.使用Web服务的动态电子商务应用程序将在开放网络上运行并能到达世界各地。

6.There is a third aspect of openness: open networks.开放还有第三层的意思:开放式的网络。

7.That is the future of cybersecurity, open networks collaborating against mutual threats.这才是网络安全的未来——通过公开网络上的协作来对付共同威胁。

8.And they have the DNA of the open networks.他们拥有开放网络的DNA。

9.Modepng trust with uncertainty for open networks一种开放网络环境中的不确定信任模型

10.Study on open networks home apppances开放式网络家电的研究