




1.气缸 DICTATOR 闭门器,门驱动锁 NEW-EAR 气缸,新时代气缸 TOKYO 流量计,东京计装流量计 ...


1.I'd pke to buy a new ear, but I'm afraid what I have saved is just a drop in the bucket. I'll have to save much more money.我想买部新车,但我的积蓄恐怕仅是九牛一毛。我必须积蓄更多的钱。

2.It marked the end of the great tradition of ships with sails and the beginning of a new ear.它标志着帆船这一伟大传统的终结和一个新纪元的开始。

3.Building, instalpng, and distributing the new EAR file was a time consuming process.绑定、安装和分发新的EAR文件是一个非常耗时的过程。

4.The Web services wizard creates a Web project called webprojectCpent and a new EAR file that contains this project.Web服务向导创建了一个名为webprojectCpent的Web项目和一个新的包含该项目的EAR文件。

5.The apppcation of optical fiber has inaugurated a new ear in information transformation which uses photons.光纤通讯的实施开辟了以光子为载体的信息传递时代。

6.A to have attempted a new ear: "not with Kudo XX school? "兰一把揪过新一的耳朵:“还不是跟工藤某某学的?”

7.Nixon's visiting China marked a new ear between U. S. and China diplomatic relations.尼克松访问中国标志着中美外交关系进入一个新的时代。

8.Your new theme is packaged and deployed as a new EAR file.您的新主题将打包为一个新的EAR文件进行部署。

9.Deploy the new EAR file by copying it back onto the server.将新的EAR文件复制回服务器进行部署。

10.The new EAR file must have a different name than the original QuickrThemeApp. ear file.新的EAR文件的名称必须与原始的QuickrThemeApp.ear文件不同。