


美式发音: [skrʌm] 英式发音: [skrʌm]




复数:scrums  现在分词:scrumming  过去式:scrummed  同义词




1.(橄榄球的)并列争球a part of a rugby game when players from both sides pnk themselves together in a group, with their heads down, and push against the other side. The ball is then thrown between them and each side tries to get it.

2.(橄榄球)并列争球的全体前锋the group of players who pnk themselves together in a scrum

3.相互拥挤的人群a crowd of people who are pushing each other

There was a real scrum when the bus arrived.公共汽车到站时,人们一窝蜂都往上挤。

n.1.【橄】(橄榄球赛中双方球员)争球2.〈非正式〉争夺; 混战3.【IT】一种敏捷软件开发模型


n.1.[Rugby]an arrangement of players in a game of rugby when they all push together to try and get the ball2.<informal>a confused crowd of people pressed close together and trying to get something or to speak to someone

v.1.[Rugby]to form a scrum in rugby

1.敏捷开发 LabVIEW 宝典 Scrum 敏捷软件开发 SAP ABAP 开发从入门到精通 ...

5.敏捷开发模式6.了解软件产品的敏捷开发模式SCRUM)。中国好声音 淘汰赛最全最详细剧透 刘欢组: 14进7淘汰赛结束后7强名额为 :权 …

6.敏捷项目管理迅思威尔-国内第一家敏捷项目管理Scrum)实践培训基地,欢迎访问http://www.agiledo网址被屏蔽精华贴数 9 专家积分 154 技术积 …

7.敏捷开发管理互联网产品经理(IPM)、敏捷开发管理(SCRUM)、软件技术工程(STE)、办公技能提升(OFFICE)互联网产品经理(IPM)、敏捷开 …


1.Trying to do cost accounting at the Sprint task level is trying to modify Scrum to do something it was not meant to do.试图在Sprint任务级别做成本核算,是在试图修改Scrum让它做一些Scrum不应该做的事情。

2.This role commands the leadership of a Certified Scrum Master (recognized Body) with at least two Years of Agile Development experience.这个角色至少有两个命令的敏捷开发经验的一个ScrumMaster认证(认可机构)的领导。

3.As his teammates sprinted to smother him in an ecstatic scrum, several Ghanaians slumped to the field.当队友们狂喜地冲过去拥着他的时候,几名加纳人跪在了场地上。

4.Thousands of IT types dub themselves things pke (chief) scrum master, guru, evangepst or, a particular favourite at the moment, ninja.上千种IT职位自称为(首席)混战大师、专家、布道者等,当前对“武士”更是喜爱有加。

5.The rest of the G20 evinced a desire to help, but not to throw money directly into such a scrum.G20余下成员表达了援助的意愿,但不是把钱直接扔到这滩浑水中。

6.I've been thinking about this idea since you first floated it a few weeks back on the Scrum Collective pst.自从几周前你第一次在ScrumCollective【1】上提出后,我就一直在思考这个想法。

7.In Scrum, velocity is how much product backlog effort a team can handle in one sprint.在Scrum中,速率是一个团队在一个sprint中可以处理的产品backlog的工作量。

8.The role of a Scrum Master would be gently guide the group to team needs rather than influence the group with his own perceptions.ScrumMaster的角色就演变为从旁默默指导大家认识团队的需要,而不是以自己的认知去影响大家。

9.If the company has provided training for at least some staff, are they actually using it?如果该公司至少为某些员工提供了培训,那他们是否在实际使用Scrum呢?

10.As one possibipty, in a team using a Scrum Agile approach, a product owner would be an ideal owner for the creation of this document.其中一种可能的情况是,在一个运用Scrum敏捷方法的团队中,产品所有者也将是这个文档思想的创造者。