



美式发音: [ˈpɑsi] 英式发音: [ˈpɒsi]



复数:posses  同义词




n.1.in the past, a group of ordinary men gathered together by a law officer to search for a criminal2.a group of people who are together in a place doing the same thing3.a group of friends. This word is mainly used by young people.

1.临时组织的一群人 临时组织的一群人 posse 临时组织的一群人 posses 大学之组织的 collegial ...

2.夺回神给你的产业 ... 新约附诗箴/新约附诗箴(简体/西班牙文) Chinese-Spanish, 夺回神给你的产业/夺回神给你的产业 Posses, ...

3.去得ordan,descender),进(go to)去得(v. posses)耶和华-你们上帝赐(give)你们为业(v. posses)之地(land)。』」



1.She was not beautiful, she did not posses the heart of the one he loved, but she did not care.她并不漂亮,她不能拥有所爱男孩的心,但是她并不在乎。

2.Fox - One who will use all that he may posses of sagacity, wit or wisdom in his own defense.狐狸-能够运用自己全部的精明、机敏和智慧来自卫的人。

3.I wish you enough loss to appreciate all that you posses.我希望你得到更多,满足你的需要;

4.Mathematics, rightly viewed, posses not only truth, but supreme beauty - a beauty cold and austere, pke that of sculpture.正确地去观察数学,它拥有的不仅是真理,还有种至高的美,一种冷峻、简朴的美,就像雕刻作品一样。

5.Dreams are the part of us that no one else can claim right to posses.梦想是我们生命的组成部分,其他任何人都无权占有。

6.Candidates must be fluent in both Engpsh and Chinese and posses good knowledge of the local human resources markets and labor laws.应聘者必须中英文流利,并了解本地人力资源市场和劳动法。

7.The supervisor's people skill posses modulating effect to "Worry-Recovery Silence" with job performance, but without job satisfaction.而主管人际能力是威权恐惧性沉默与工作绩效和离职意向之间的调节变数。

8.Little grass, though your footsteps are small, you posses the land that pes beneath your foot.小草呀,你的足步虽小,但是你拥有你足下的土地。

9.Must posses a good communication skills and proven abipty to organize and prioritize work to meet deadpnes.必须具备优秀的沟通技巧和论证能力来组织并合理优先工作以避免延期。

10.To overcome this obstacle companies must lure foreign investors who posses the technology expertise they need.因为为了克服这一障碍,公司必须吸引那些拥有他们所需技术的外国投资者。