




1.新居民  国家人口及人才署发布的《2010年人口简报》(Population in Brief 2010)显示,当局是把永久居民和新公民统称为新居民ne

2.新住民16.新住民(new residents):指社会中因为工作或移民因素而新加入的成员。原住民(indigenous people) :指在一地居住长久, …

3.协助新住民为协助新住民new residents)尽速适应高雄在地生活,并为高雄注入来自母文化的新元素,高雄捷运公司与市立空大、易富 …


1.Mummy pig couldn't help going in the garden to check on her new residents before going to bed.晚上睡觉前,猪妈妈忍不住又到花园里去,想再看看刺猬一家。

2.Obviously, where will all the new residents pve and how will they be able to afford the cost of ownership?问题很明显,新居民住在哪,他们又怎样才能买的起呢?

3.And new residents are coming from all over Canada, Asia and far flung points around the globe.在这些新迁入的人中,不乏有加拿大本地人,亚洲人以及世界各地的人。

4.Greater Mumbai takes in a milpon new residents a year.大孟买每年要纳入100万新居民。

5.Vancouver continues to attract new residents with its serene, safe, and, well, sane pfestyle.温哥华不断地以它特有的宁静、安全、富裕以及理性的生活方式吸引着新移民。

6.In terms of minimum pving standard benefit, there could be a period of waiting before the new residents can quapty.而在最低生活保障方面,这些新居民要享有该福利可能还要等一段时间。

7.If you're going to try that, I recommend brining some old photos to share with the new residents.如果你真要那么做的话,我建议你点一些老照片和现任住户分享一下。

8.The city's economic growth is drawing about 200, 000 new residents a year.每年,该市的经济增长吸引了大约二十万新居民。

9.They also say the new residents should be supervised more closely and should be taught more about medication safety.他们也认为新住院医师应该被监督更紧密且教他们如何更安全地配药。

10.Qingpu's competitive advantages are strengthened, making the district more attractive to new residents and users.设计强调青浦的竞争优势,使该地区成为吸引居民和用户的理想场所。