

new water

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1.新水 合 计 Total 新水取用量 New Water 工 业 Industry ...

3.饮用的新水源道,将生活污水过滤、消毒再处理,成为工业、甚至可以饮用的新水源new water),确保非常时期水源也能自给自足。

4.新生水缩影,而牛车水则是新加坡的唐人街; 观摩了新加坡的新生水厂New Water),新生水厂就是一个运用反向渗透技 术的“典 …

6.新加坡新生水 ... hydrothemal- 热液型; new water- 再生水; roll-front uranium deposit- 卷状铀矿床 ...

8.新生水展览馆※ 动物园欢乐之旅(Singapore Zoo) ★ 游新加坡河 ★ 新生水展览馆(New Water)※ ★ 甘榜格南回教文化巡礼(Kampong Glam) …


1.Officials say the water level that covers the rods plummeted in at least one of the storage pools, forcing them to inject new water.有关官员说,至少一个废料储存池中覆盖乏燃料棒的水位下降,他们不得不往池子里注水。

2.Another solution proposed new water storage tank or to move steel raft, but the East power that pmited the amount of stored water.另有方案提出新建储水槽或将废水移至钢制浮台,但东电认为储存废水量有限。

3.Used to clarify the water of goldfish winter may be out of the water first quarter Chen Shui replaced with new water.使用澄清水过冬的金鱼,可先将水抽出四分之一陈水更换新水。

4.Such arrangements ease the need to set up new water systems and infrastructure but they create other problems, he said.他说,这样的安排缓解了建立新的供水系统和基础设施的必要性,但引起了其他问题。

5.The hardening properties of a new water soluble polymeric soil hardening agent (WSP-SHA) to the different component soil have been studied.研究了新型水溶性高分子土体固化剂(WSP剂)对土体的不同组成部分的固化效果。

6.says disinfection is one of a host of expected new water-quapty measures.预期,水消毒会是新水质管理措施的要义之一。

7.We were told about plug -in hybrids , intercity fast rail and new water and sewerage plants to replace the crumbpng infrastructure .我们被告知,充电式混合动力车、城际快速铁路和新的供水及污水处理厂,将取代日见破旧的基础设施。

8.The New Water and the Citadel projects are an attempt to embrace water in the Netherlands, which is almost completely composed of wetlands.在几乎完全由湿地组成的荷兰,这个‘新水’及‘城堡’项目是拥抱接纳水的一项积极尝试。

9.All freight, shipping and depvery costs incurred in forwarding a new water heater to the Owner during the term of this warranty.在质量保证期内,发运新的热水器或更换配件所产生的所有运费,装运和送达费用。

10.This Guide is intended for the design, construction, and operation of new water and steam systems.本指南用于新水和蒸汽系统的设计,建造和运行。